Tattoos are expressions-cum-style statements that take inspiration from various aspects of our life. The images and designs inked on various parts of our body have their origin in nature and other art works. People sport tattoos that suit their taste or confirm to the beliefs or ideas they hold. One such tattoo, i.e. the urban tattoo, is a manifestation of the life led in urban centers. Urban tattoos reflect the positive and negative attributes of urban lifestyle. They have become very popular today and the youth is especially interested in flaunting them because they are the most affected from the ups and downs of the urban life style.
Urban tattoos depict various moods and emotions but the aggressive and tense aspects are conveyed more. They are also in vogue and people mostly go for them. It is a means of expressing their pent-up desires and tribulations that they undergo every day to survive in cities and get on with their complicated lives. They feel relieved in some way once such feelings get a shape or form. Here is a glimpse into the colors and contours of urban tattoos through these 25 examples having the urban tattoo as theme and backdrop. Enjoy the journey.
Looking for some edgy stuff to be inked as tattoo design then try out this athletic lady with a fierce look on her face carved in green.
Badass Tattoo
This interwoven tattoo design with bolts spread at points looks threatening.
Swallow Heart Tattoo
This tattoo carved on chest with two swallows flying over a heart-shaped nest looks sexy.
Swallow Heart Tattoo
A fearsome, laughing skull with wings and parted hair inked on chest has a creepy look.
Girl Rib Tattoo
A Japanese kimono wearing girl with fan in her hands and a colorful ambience looks graceful.
Looking For Food
Wild life lovers must try out this innocent looking deer carved in black on arm.
This girl wearing a large tattoo on her neck, chest and arms is an ultimate tattoo lover.
Cool Attitude
The cute girl looks stylish in her tattoo with horses neighing loud on upper back and a rising sun motif in backdrop.
The three faced eagle holding a skull in its claws and covering the chest arouses fear in the onlookers.
I Love Tattoos
This tattoo artist displays her love for the art through the display on arm and chest.
A sunflower in full bloom sitting on the upper back of the girl looks pretty.
Flower Tattoo
An awesome design with a large whale surrounded by numerous fishes creating an illusion of under water life.
Bold And Bright
This one is a vibrant, colorful chest tattoo with a spiritual liner that signifies confidence.
Musician Monkey Tattoo
The shadow of a monkey carrying guitar over its head looks comic and creates interest.
Cool Urban Tattoo
Urban tattoos are all about expressing your wild and eccentric side as is evident on this boy’s hands.
This colorful tattoo with a weird pattern resembling that of a modern art has a peppy look.
Be Brave
An owl with sky blue flowers perched on a clock resting on arm signifies a fearless attitude.
The face of a roaring panther framed by red flames carved on leg looks frightening.
This sexy gal has got tattoos carved on her ribs, chest and hands with flowers and skull images.
Cycling Tattoo
Amazing tattoo design of a cyclist paddling the wheels with his knees.
Punk and Destroy
The terrifying skull with blood oozing from it and flowers framing the sides inked on chest screams aggression and grief.
On A High
A cool liner inked on collar-bone that inspires and motivates one to achieve one’s dreams.
This urban tattoo is a symbol of the catharsis lovers with broken hearts need.
Bizarre Tattoo
Swallows flying over folded hands carved on chest and skulls inked on arms presents a cool illustration of urban tattoo.
In Loving Memory
Tattoo with thorny shrubs and a ribbon curled around it bearing the name of a friend who is no longer alive.
The Rev tattoo, I have one myself, not that big, of course. I love mine. :) RIP Jimmy
This is indeed a fantastic collection Daniel. And I love the Marvellous urban tattoo design in this collection. The sea creatures looks great in the design specially the shark. Cool!