30 Stunning Shark Tattoo Designs


A shark with its large size and equally large teeth is a menacing image. Its relentless strength in capturing and devouring its quarry is legendary. A shark tattoo is usually a classic representation of the shark and the scary image it portrays. The tattoos that are just in black and gray shades are very intimidating. But the ones in natural colors are more realistic and scary. There are different sizes to choose from to suit personal preferences. The simpler ones are not less frightening than the intricate ones because the huge sharp teeth are omnipresent.

Tattoos are an art in body painting that is used as an attention grabber.

Every shark tattoo in this collection is a surefire example of attention seeking body art.

There are some with simple gray and black designs yet have a menacing effect. The brightly colored ones are no less scary with the shark‘s teeth showing. Even the sight of just a shark fin near a beach can scare away all the swimmers and sun bathers away. The shark has a reputation of being large, frightening and ruthless in its pursuit of its kill. There is no escape because despite its size it has tremendous speed under water.

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Simple is Scary

A simple representation of the shark tattoo in black and gray can be scary too. This is a classic and stylish design worth copying.

Simple is Scary

Simple is Scary

Realistic Shark

This must be one of the most realistic looking shark tattoos. The blue and beige shading is very artistic and makes the shark look frightening.

Realistic Shark

Realistic Shark

Circle of Fear

The circular movement of this shark looks fantastic with the blue circle of water around it. This is a classy and modern shark tattoo worth copying.

Circle of Fear

Circle of Fear

Life Like Shark

This shark tattoo is very life-like. The gray shading and proportionate lines makes you feel it‘s real and moving.

Life Like Shark

Life Like Shark

Modern Menace

The shark in this tattoo has been designed in a modern yet menacing way. Of course, one can‘t miss the red blood like color around it.

Modern Menace

Modern Menace

After Death

The skull and crossbones riding a shark are surely a menacing design. This shark tattoo, despite its light shades looks quite intimidating.

After Death

After Death


This shark tattoo has a terrifying theme. The blood soaked human leg protruding from the shark‘s jaws is a scary picture.



Ship & Shark

This is an intricately designed shark tattoo. The colorful sailing ship and the huge shark look very artistic and bright.

Ship & Shark

Ship & Shark

Well Crafted

This shark tattoo shows the mammal‘s true strength. Its menacing eyes and sheer size are enough to scare anyone.

Well Crafted

Well Crafted

Deadly Shark

The bloody jaws of this shark would terrify anyone who sees it. This bright-colored shark tattoo is definitely meant to look intimidating.

Deadly Shark

Deadly Shark

3D Shark

This shark tattoo has been designed to give a fantastic 3D effect. It looks almost life-like and menacing despite the subdued colors.

3D Shark

3D Shark

Freehand Shark

Despite the freehand look of this mammal, this shark tattoo still maintains its menacing image. The teeth are enough to scare most people.

Freehand Shark

Freehand Shark

Unrelenting Jaws

This shark is showing off its unrelenting deathly jaws. The simple gray shades of the shark tattoo have made it look very life-like and dangerous.

Unrelenting Jaws

Unrelenting Jaws

The Destroyer

This shark tattoo looks truly terrifying with its large piercing teeth and massive jaw. It looks capable of destroying even a huge ship.

The Destroyer

The Destroyer

Style Tattoo

This shark tattoo is a style statement. The bright colors and the modern curved design make it look attractive in a menacing kind of way.

Style Tattoo

Style Tattoo


This shark tattoo is an intimidation technique. The gray shark with blood soaked teeth looks intimidating and scary.



Tribal Shark Tattoo

A shark tattoo created with the conventional geometric shapes of a tribal tattoo is very unusual. It looks classy and strangely attractive.

Tribal Shark Tattoo

Tribal Shark Tattoo

Traditional Shark

There is a sense of menace even when a shark is just swimming peacefully. This shark tattoo looks scary and the red splashes of color make it more so.

Traditional Shark

Traditional Shark

Striped Intimidation

A shark tattoo with tiger stripes is truly unusual. The bright orange and black combo looks strikingly beautiful and intimidating at the same time.

Striped Intimidation

Striped Intimidation

Coming at You

This shark tattoo has a scary effect because of the design. The shark seems to be coming at you with evil intentions in mind.

Coming at You

Coming at You

Comic Intimidation

This shark tattoo has a comic yet scary effect. The evil glee on the face of this shark has been designed very artistically.

Comic Intimidation

Comic Intimidation

Resting Shark

This shark, in classic colors, seems to be resting on the coral reefs after a hearty meal. The shark tattoo is very artistic and colorful.

Resting Shark

Resting Shark

Real Menace

This shark tattoo has a very realistic look. The gray back and white underside of the shark has been very artistically and realistically designed.

Real Menace

Real Menace

Don‘t Tempt Me!

This shark is baring its teeth in show of power and intimidation. As a shark tattoo, it has been designed in a beautiful combo of colors.

Don‘t Tempt Me!

Don‘t Tempt Me!

Almost Smiling

This shark tattoo is a style statement. The shark is almost smiling and looks quite cute instead of being scary.

Almost Smiling

Almost Smiling

Unusual Graphics

This is a very unusual shark tattoo. The close up of the eyeball and a scary shark have been very artistically designed in bright colors.

Unusual Graphics

Unusual Graphics

Splash of Scary Color

This shark tattoo is an attention seeker. The vibrant blue, yellow and red colors look cool till you see the huge deathly teeth.

Splash of Scary Color

Splash of Scary Color

Just for Effect

This shark tattoo is obviously just for style and effect. The gray shark in repose, the bright lotus and the oriental letters are an unusual combo that looks great.

Just for Effect

Just for Effect

Scary and Bright

This shark tattoo is trying to be bright and scary and succeeding. The menacing teeth are enough to scare anyone but as tattoo art it is great.

Scary and Bright

Scary and Bright

Near the Beaches

This shark fin can be seen from the beach side and has scared away all the people. As tattoo art this has been designed beautifully in just one color.

Near the Beaches

Near the Beaches



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