25 Awe-Inspiring Pictures of Black Jesus


The symbol of love and peace, Jesus statues are known for their beautiful serenity. Artists have been fired by the ideas of Jesus for centuries and hundreds of depictions of Jesus continue to be made till today. What is it about the figure of Jesus that is so attractive to artists? Is it the blend of quiet strength and dignity amidst suffering, or the pain that He bears on behalf of every man? The holy mystery of Jesus and all that His sacrifice stands for keeps artists and sculptors engrossed.

You can find a variety of statues and sculptures showing the figure of Jesus. Many statues are carved in dark stone for a powerful rugged appeal. You can also find Jesus statues shaped in smooth black stone for a rich look. The color black when used to depict the figure of Jesus has immense power. Black in itself is a combination of intense mystery, sorrow and depth, which makes it an ideal color to portray Christ on the Holy Cross. Pictures of Black Jesus show his human suffering and divine majesty touched by gentle grace. As you see pictures of Jesus carved out of black marble you notice how the dark shade defines the powerful lines of the figure and brings out His noble sorrow for humanity. Take a look at these beautiful pictures celebrating black Jesus.

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Crowned Black Jesus

Made out of matte black stone this statue of Jesus shows Him as the King of Heaven. See the gold crown adorning His head for a royal look.

Crowned Black Jesus

Crowned Black Jesus

Follow Me

This beautiful marble statue of Jesus stands on a stone base in front of the church, welcoming everyone who enters.

Follow Me

Follow Me

Always Welcoming

The green surroundings add to the peaceful look of this black Jesus statue. Look at His wide opened arms and the folds of His simple robe.

Always Welcoming

Always Welcoming

Dark Stone Jesus

Intricately etched out of black stone Jesus has a warm and welcoming look in this picture. His arms are thrown open in a wide welcome.

Dark Stone Jesus

Dark Stone Jesus

The Jesus Gaze

Carved in dark stone this statue of Jesus has a beautiful grace in its lines. Note the compassionate gaze of Jesus as he stands with eyes lowered.

The Jesus Gaze

The Jesus Gaze

Ornate Black Jesus

Standing against a rich golden background this is a black statue of Jesus with a metallic crown testifying to His divine power and majesty.

Ornate Black Jesus

Ornate Black Jesus

Traditional Jesus In Wood

Drawing on old artwork traditions this is a Jesus face carved on a flat wooden surface. Note the rough texture and pattern of the wood.

Traditional Jesus In Wood

Traditional Jesus In Wood

Sorrowing Black Jesus

See this beautiful black stone sculpture showing Jesus carrying the Cross as He wears His crown of thorns.

Sorrowing Black Jesus

Sorrowing Black Jesus

Black Jesus On Cross

This small black Jesus statue shaped with elongated lines is placed against a matte wooden cross.

Black Jesus On Cross

Black Jesus On Cross

Metal Carved Jesus

A rich metallic look marks this black Jesus. Look at the tiny metal etchings adding to the detailed artwork of the hair and beard.

Metal Carved Jesus

Metal Carved Jesus

Jesus View

Seen from down below, this is a Jesus statue that highlight the bold and powerful lines of the stone carving.

Jesus View

Jesus View

Holy Jesus

A shade of blue tinges this black Jesus statue carved elaborately in stone. See how gracefully the folds have been carved out of the stone for a graceful expression.

Holy Jesus

Holy Jesus

Black Jesus Photo

The strong and lean arm of black Jesus spreads out on the Cross in this beautiful picture.

Black Jesus Photo

Black Jesus Photo

Old Picture Jesus

Carved out of solid stone this Jesus statue depicts His great suffering and passion on the Cross.

Old Picture Jesus

Old Picture Jesus

Jesus Carrying The Cross

The black shade of this Jesus statue nearly merges with the dark background for a powerful effect. See Him carrying the Cross in this picture.

Jesus Carrying The Cross

Jesus Carrying The Cross

Powerful Black Jesus

The bent legs and tilt of the head of this black Jesus statue show His silent suffering for humanity.

Powerful Black Jesus

Powerful Black Jesus

Medieval Jesus Statue

The stone of this Jesus statue tells tales of sculptors who have passed into the shadows of time. Note the rugged stone look of this Jesus statue.

Medieval Jesus Statue

Medieval Jesus Statue

Jesus The Savior

Jesus has a bright look in this picture as He shines in all His glory. See how he stands peacefully as a messenger of universal hope and love.

Jesus The Savior

Jesus The Savior

Worshipping Jesus

Polished black stone has been used to carve this statue of Jesus in a church. Look at the rich look of the Cross on which He is placed.

Worshipping Jesus

Worshipping Jesus

Take My Hand

Amidst bare trees He stands holding out his hand, asking us to take it and be saved. The old look of the stone indicates it is an ancient statue.

Take My Hand

Take My Hand

Black Beautiful Jesus

On the black stone body of this Jesus the gold loincloth is wrapped as a symbol of His majesty as the Son of God.

Black Beautiful Jesus

Black Beautiful Jesus

Rugged Statue

The intricate lines etched on the Cross and the powerful look on Jesus’ face come from the rugged stone used in the sculpture.

Rugged Statue

Rugged Statue

Ancient Black Jesus

This ancient stone carving of Jesus has a rough and rugged look. See how He is surrounded by carvings showing worshipping figures.

Ancient Black Jesus

Ancient Black Jesus

Come To Me

Come to me, is what Jesus says as He stands crowned against a backdrop of vast blue sky promising eternal freedom to mankind.

Come To Me

Come To Me

Jesus Bowed

The sharp angular lines of this Jesus indicate His suffering on the Cross. See how the upper part of the body bends forward in agony.

Jesus Bowed

Jesus Bowed


  1. If I remember correctly of what I was taught in art class many years ago, is that black is the absence of all color so in that respect a black jesus is a perfect portrayal of the son of God who died for all mankind, no matter what color or creed. I agree that black is a color of mystery and sorrow but also beauty. I love this collection – thank you.

  2. I was talking about a black version of Jesus in your other post about Jesus now I found it in this post. I really like watching Jesus face.


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