Tattoos are no more a signature of the rock stars or biker boys. Today, it is a humdrum for even the common man. In today‘s world, tattoos are symbols of art as well as self-expression and it is no more a symbol of fashion. Most of the time, people go in for designs which represent their own thoughts and beliefs. The peace-sign tattoo is an example of self-expression and it is fetching popularity these days.
A peace sign tattoo requires no description, as it has become regalia of many.
There are many peace signs, recognized and accepted internationally, but the most accepted is a circle with 3 prongs facing downwards. It originated in Britain in 1958, but today the entire globe admires it. It is one of the most celebrated peace symbols when it comes to tattoos. A tattoo with this peace-sign stands for harmony and desists from violence and war. For tattoo lovers, who believe in tranquility in society as well as inner peace this tattoo is the best. Sometimes, it can have a banyan tree or a lotus flower or a dove infused with the design. Have a look at the tattoo designs below and get yourself inked with the one which appeals you the most.
If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Cute Tattoos, Jesus Tattoos, Sun Tattoos, and Religious Tattoos.
Cross Peace Sign Hybrid
Cross Peace Sign Hybrid
Peace Sign Insignia Tattoo
Peace Sign Insignia Tattoo
Side Tree Tattoo
Peace Tree Arm Tattoo
Peace Flower Foot Tattoo
Ankle Peace Sign Tattoo
Innner Arm Peace Sign Tattoo
Jimmy Hendrix Peace Sign Tattoo
Jimmy Hendrix Peace Sign Tattoo
Hippie Peace Sign Foot Tattoo
Hippie Peace Sign Foot Tattoo
Peace Sign Tattoo with Quote
Brown Egg Chicken Foot Peace Sign Tattoo
Brown Egg Chicken Foot Peace Sign Tattoo
Inner Wrist Peace Sign Tattoo
Peace Love Tattoo
Peace Love Tattoo
These are very creative tattoos! I always thought that tattoos only make our skin look dirty but with these designs and colors, It makes me want to try it.
A couple of photos with tattoos on the foot are really good to see. I need to say that peace should be in heart rather than on tattoos :P