25 Enthusiastic Nature Tattoos


Tattoos are the skin deep impressions made through the use of ink. It can be simply black or even extremely colourful. They leave a mark and most of them remain forever. Therefore one should take immense care while choosing the place, kind and design of the tattoo.

Of the several designs available Nature tattoos stand unique and so has lots of craze.

Just like any other tattoo, the nature tattoos can be made on any part of the body like shoulder, hand and even the back. It is very much necessary to choose an apropos individual experienced in the art of tattooing to prevent any adverse effects.

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Natural Tattoo with Bright Hues

The given image displays a colourful nature tattoo projecting buildings along with the calm environment enhanced by the presence of plants and water.

Natural Tattoo with Bright Hues

Natural Tattoo with Bright Hues

Elephant Calf‘s Natural Gait

The given image displays a nature tattoo projecting an elephant calf with its unique gait.

Elephant Calf‘s Natural Gait

Elephant Calf‘s Natural Gait

Mother Nature on the Shoulder

The given image displays Mother Nature in the form of a shoulder tattoo. The water and the land are depicted well in the image.

Mother Nature on the Shoulder

Mother Nature on the Shoulder

Halcyon Nature

The given image is a colourful nature tattoo projecting the most serene and colourful scene.

Halcyon Nature

Halcyon Nature

Topiary with Butterflies

The given image displays a back tattoo with lovely topiary projecting butterflies.

Topiary with Butterflies

Topiary with Butterflies

Dino Nature Tattoo

The given image is a nature tattoo along with a Dino in it. Use of green and black shades makes it distinct.

Dino Nature Tattoo

Dino Nature Tattoo

Black Back Nature Tattoo

The given image displays a simple nature tattoo in black ink. It projects long woods and extends all over the back.

Black Back Nature Tattoo

Black Back Nature Tattoo

Saint & Serenity

The given image displays a nature tattoo projecting a saint under a tree. The tattoo seems totally serene.

Saint & Serenity

Saint & Serenity

Crippling Leaf

The given image displays a crippling leaf coloured in black. This nature tattoo is somewhat distinct from others.

Crippling Leaf

Crippling Leaf

Trendy Branch & the Bird

The given image displays long as well of close up shot taken in order to project the exceptional birds.

Trendy Branch & the Bird

Trendy Branch & the Bird

The Girly Tri in Nature Tattoos

The given image displays a lovely trio of girly nature tattoos displayed on the back. They include floral as well as creeper arts.

The Girly Tri in Nature Tattoos

The Girly Tri in Nature Tattoos

Nature Tattoos in Black

The given image displays a nature tattoo in black ink and extending from shoulders to the hands.

Nature Tattoos in Black

Nature Tattoos in Black

The Snake & the Bird Tattoo

The given image is a back nature tattoo projecting snake and a bird in bright colours.

The Snake & the Bird Tattoo

The Snake & the Bird Tattoo

Nature Tattoo of Shedding Topiary

The given image displays nature tattoo with trees surrounded by grass and followed by a quote.

Nature Tattoo of Shedding Topiary

Nature Tattoo of Shedding Topiary

Colourful Nature Tattoo

The given image displays colourful nature tattoos. The fly and its wings are also well depicted in the image.

Colourful Nature Tattoo

Colourful Nature Tattoo

Lovely Little Tree

The given image is a lovely nature tattoo of little tree right at the back of a young lady.

Lovely Little Tree

Lovely Little Tree

Satiated Nature Tattoo

The given image is a nature tattoo at the back. It is totally distinct because of its entire presence.

Satiated Nature Tattoo

Satiated Nature Tattoo

Tattoo of Aqua Life

The given image displays a nature tattoo extending from the shoulder and is found depicting Aqua life on a blue background.

Tattoo of Aqua Life

Tattoo of Aqua Life

Root & Shoot Hand Tattoo

The given image displays a cute little nature tattoo on the hand in black ink. It projects the plants root as well as shoot system clearly.

Root & Shoot Hand Tattoo

Root & Shoot Hand Tattoo

Black and Red Nature Tattoo

The given image displays a nature tattoo in black and red inks. It is a tree with red fruits and it can be easily understood.

Black and Red Nature Tattoo

Black and Red Nature Tattoo

Colourful Creepers

The given image is a back tattoo projecting colourful creepers. The grace in designing this nature tattoo is projected well.

Colourful Creepers

Colourful Creepers

Complete Back Nature Tattoo

The given image is a nature tattoo with extreme bright hues. A quote “I love my Family“ is mentioned in the art.

Complete Back Nature Tattoo

Complete Back Nature Tattoo

Tiger and the Landscape

The given image is a ferocious tattoo designed at the back in multi colours.

Tiger and the Landscape

Tiger and the Landscape

Composed Resting Horse

The given image displays a resting horse. The serene and highly composed nature is projected in every inch of the art.

Composed Resting Horse

Composed Resting Horse

Red Flowers with a Recitation

The given image displays a woody tree with little red flowers. This nature tattoo goes along with some recitation.

Red Flowers with a Recitation

Red Flowers with a Recitation



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