25 Cool Mexican Mafia Tattoos


Mexico is the land where you find some of the coolest permanent body art. The culture is rich and colorful, and many intricate designs such as flowers and human faces figure in the designs. Mexican tattoo ideas look gorgeous, and when you add the mafia angle to them, Mexican Mafia Tattoos redefine cool tattoo art altogether. The mixture of gorgeous designs and subtle violence in the themes makes for interesting tattoo design ideas.

When it comes to mafia tattoos that express the unique style of a mafia man, the entire body can be the canvas. Many mafia men love getting their forearms inked, or have their stomach area covered with interesting tribal motifs. You can also see the broad back of powerful mafia men become the canvas for awesome tattoo designs. A classic symbol of Mexico, the Mexican eagle with a serpent in its beak, makes for a beautiful tattoo design idea. Religious motifs such as Jesus Christ face, the cross, or the Savior Heart also feature in many mafia tattoos. Mexican tattoos for mafia men highlight the theme of violence with designs of traditional wood handled pistols, rifles, and skull shapes. An interesting aspect of Mexican art is the way it combines life and death themes in one design. Many tattoos draw upon the play of life and death by using combinations such as a skull and blooming roses in the design. The shaved head of a mafia man can also become the base for tattoo art on religious themes. Mexican tattoos inked by mafia men draw upon the mystery of numbers, the rich symbols of religion, and special words to create stunning designs.

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Mexican Tattoo Head

The shaved head is decorated with an awesome series of faces of Jesus Christ in overlap with a heart and daggers sign at the front of the head.

Mexican Tattoo Head

Mexican Tattoo Head

Mexican Chest Tattoo

Get a look at the sharp-edged word patterns inked along the collar bones in this tattoo design. The shaded feel is artistic.

Mexican Chest Tattoo

Mexican Chest Tattoo

Death King Tattoo

The sharp and spiky lines make an edgy look for this tattoo design showing a skull with green eyes wearing a golden crown.

Death King Tattoo

Death King Tattoo

Pistol Mexicana

The elegant form of a wooden handle ornate Mexican pistol is seen in this colorful Mexican mafia tattoo.

Pistol Mexicana

Pistol Mexicana

Mexican Head Art Tattoo

These geometrical patterns on the back of the head combine with a Mexican style jackal face to make a creative tattoo design.

Mexican Head Art

Mexican Head Art

Awesome Body Art

Mexican tattoo art loves combining many different kinds of contrary themes. Take a look at these awesome skull and roses theme tattoo patterns.

Awesome Body Art

Awesome Body Art

Mexico Mafioso

These full-bodied tattoos are totally Mexican in appeal. Check out the heart, the roses, the faces, and other gorgeous details on the chest area.

Mexico Mafioso

Mexico Mafioso

Mexican Motif Tattoo

This Mexican mafia tattoo idea goes for a clean and simple look in its bold black outlines, geometrical curves and four circled shape.

Mexican Motif Tattoo

Mexican Motif Tattoo

Amazing Face Look

This amazing Mexican tattoo uses the natural curves of the face and ears to awesome effect. Check out the way the leafy curves follow the line of the ear, and the tiny man face tattooed in front of the ear.

Amazing Face Look

Amazing Face Look

UBQ Mafia Tattoo

Bold black lettering in a traditional pattern goes together with figures and abstract patterns in this Mexican mafia tattoo design.

UBQ Mafia Tattoo

UBQ Mafia Tattoo

Pair Of Mexican Tattoos

These two mafia men have got themselves inked with some cool arm ink patterns. See the ‘i3’ shape inked on the upper part of one man’s arm, and the delicate shaded figure inked on the other man’s wrist.

Pair Of Mexican Tattoos

Pair Of Mexican Tattoos

Gun Arm Tattoo

The long lean shape of a rifle is an appropriate arm tattoo idea for someone involved in the business of shooting.

Gun Arm Tattoo

Gun Arm Tattoo

Mexican Gang Pic

Take a look at this black and white mafia men picture in which the upper parts of the bodies are covered with intricate Mexican tattoo art.

Mexican Gang Pic

Mexican Gang Pic

Citysmoker Tattoo

This awesome tattoo on the back shows a figure carrying a bridge and the bold text ‘Citysmokers’ on top of the design.

Citysmoker Tattoo

Citysmoker Tattoo

Obscenely Beautiful Word Tattoo

The entire face of this mafia man, from his forehead, to his chin become the canvas for tattoo art ranging from sexy words, to a spider web, to maps and numbers, and lots more.

Obscenely Beautiful Word Tattoo

Obscenely Beautiful Word Tattoo

Mexican Prison Inmates Tattoo

These Mexican mafia tattoos, one showing a series of numbers, and the other an abstract tribal pattern, look great on the arms.

Mexican Prison Inmates Tattoo

Mexican Prison Inmates Tattoo

Mafia Couple Tattoos

His arm is covered with intricate designs showing an eye and a landscape, while her face is tattooed with a large stylish 18 in this mafia couple tattoo idea.

Mafia Couple Tattoos

Mafia Couple Tattoos

Mexican Mafia Brothers

These mafia men look awesome as they pose bare-bodied with their tattoos on display. Check out the ‘Co Co’ tattoo above the navel, and the floral patterns, inked Mexican style.

Mexican Mafia Brothers

Mexican Mafia Brothers

Classic Mafia Mexican Back Tattoo

Scenes from the life of Jesus cover the back and arms in this gorgeous and intense Mexican tattoo design.

Classic Mafia Mexican Back Tattoo

Ciassic Mafia Mexican Back Tattoo

Made In Mexico

This upper arm tattoo breathes the spirit of Mexico with its design of a Mexican eagle holding a serpent in its beak.

Made In Mexico

Made In Mexico

Intricate Tattoos

The mafia men in this colored and black and white pair of pictures have their face covered with abstract tribal motifs and sharp-edged numbers. You can clearly see ‘15805’ written.

Intricate Tattoos

Intricate Tattoos

San Diego Tattoo

A face with large eyes, a bright red rose, and the lettering San Diego Califas come together in this upper back Mexican mafia tattoo design.

San Diego Tattoo

San Diego Tattoo

East Side Tattoo

Check out the enormous lettering covering all of the stomach area in this mafia text tattoo design. The words ‘East Side’ and the shading on the corners of the letters look really cool.

East Side Tattoo

East Side Tattoo

Gorgeous Mexican Tattoo Art

You can see the prominent face of a woman along with intricate symbols of Mexican culture in this full-bodied tattoo art.

Gorgeous Mexican Tattoo Art

Gorgeous Mexican Tattoo Art

Mexican Gunman Tattoo

The grinning skull with a cowboy hat on its head makes for a classic Mexican mafia tattoo that’s inspired by the Wild West feel.

Mexican Gunman Tattoo

Mexican Gunman Tattoo


  1. I don’t really get the idea of having the tattoo in ones head but I so love the Mexican Tattoo Head. It was inked well and greatly done tattoo design.

  2. That’s one thing that only people her have a bald head will be able to have, a tattoo printed on, as it won’t work with hair.

  3. The “city smoker” tattoo actually says “city slicker”… Is that a typo??? I’m confused, how did you get smoker out of slicker?

  4. Mexican Mafia tattoos are very popular among the tattoo lovers. Liked all the tattoos designs showcased here.

  5. Who wrote this shit? City smoker? LMFAO, it’s CITY SLICKER, you fucking idiots! Black outlines, geometrical curves and four circled shape? They’re called brass knuckles, DUHHHHHHH

  6. dumb ass shit. these are all thugs and gangmembers tattoos glorifying the gang lifestyle. posed to show who is in charge in certain pics. and one of these guys has swastikas and 88 and hail hitler tattoos. hes not mexican lmao. hes got 187 cop killer and all sorts of obsecenitites. yall fucking stupid.

    • I agree and saying a girl with 18 tattoos on her face as a gang member is gorgeous is beyond dumb. Also the nazi symbol? Really???!

  7. Besides the city slicker and 666swastica mentioned already id like to point out travis barker from blink182 and the buster from coco county arent mexican mafia any more then”the little figure in front of the ear” is (SURealist painter salvador dali) actually that is kindof clever but this page isnt daliesque its just absurd nonsense!


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