Infect Everybody With Music After Looking At These 29 Famous Music Quotes


What is it that soothes the mind and enriches the soul? Which is the element that almost always accompanies dance? Well, it is not so difficult to answer. We all know the answer is music. There are lot more queries that would lead us to the rejuvenating rhythmical element known as music. There is hardly any soul that does not love melodies. Our tastes might differ and we might listen to different genres but all of us admire music. Each person has his own definition about music means to him or her.

However, there are some men and women who are well-known and capable enough to give insightful statements about music. Many of them have said wonderful things about music and there are some very famous music quotes that can be said to be brilliant. A music lover would definitely find them interesting and there are people who look for popular music quotes in various corners be it books, newspapers or internet. So, today we bring a post featuring 29 fabulous quotes centered around music.

Lets read 25 famous music quotes.

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Bono Music Quote

Cool quote that sheds light on the impact of music and also underlines its significance for the welfare of human beings.

Bono Music Quote

Bono Music Quote

Music Addiction

All of us feel that addiction has got a negative connotation but you would be glad to know that music is an exception.

Music Addiction

Music Addiction

Touching Music Quote

This quote highlights the relationship between our feelings and music that complement each other.

Touching Music Quote

Touching Music Quote

Romantic Music Quote

The rose petals, guitar and wine glasses create a cool romantic fantasy. The quote in red makes you fall in love with music.

Romantic Music Quote

Romantic Music Quote

Eric Halvorsen Quote

This quote is about the negative impact of rock music on children which is true to a large extent.

Eric Halvorsen Quote

Eric Halvorsen Quote

Passion For Music

A die-hard music lover would feel that this quote has brought out his innermost feelings about music.

Passion For Music

Passion For Music

Music & Me

Quote from famous philosopher Nietzsche that tells us how bland and useless our life would be without music.

Music & Me

Music & Me

Nick Santino Quote

This is a quote from a singer and guitarist who expresses his love for music. It also underlines how much he values music.

Nick Santino Quote

Nick Santino Quote

Musical Identity

A musician’s passion and strong love for melody finds a way through this quote.

Musical Identity

Musical Identity

Shakespeare Music Quote

The great playwright’s take on natural sounds that are no less than music for him.

Shakespeare Music Quote

Shakespeare Music Quote

Eminem Quote

The white rapper gives words to his feelings about songs that tell about the bitter truths of life.

Eminem Quote

Eminem Quote

Relieving Music

Beautiful quote about music that is sure to ring a bell in many hearts. It speaks about the balming effect of music.

Relieving Music

Relieving Music

Humorous Music Quote

The German philosopher reveals the truth behind the connection between music and dance.

Humorous Music Quote

Humorous Music Quote

Life Love Music

Classic quote that equates love with music and tells about its significance for leading a blissful life.

Life Love Music

Life Love Music

Musical Expression

It is true that music has a magical touch. It is powerful and very expressive in a harmonious way.

Musical Expression

Musical Expression

The Power Of Music

All of us must have experienced the magical effect of music at some point in our life and it is true that melody can speak the unspeakable.

The Power Of Music

The Power Of Music

Rock Music Quote

Cool quote about music that keeps it on par with a fruitful and happening life.

Rock Music Quote

Rock Music Quote

Omnipresent Music

The various sounds present in nature are a form of music and those who care to notice can experience the rich melodies.

Omnipresent Music

Omnipresent Music

Healing Musical Touch

All of us have heard about the phrase “music to ears” and this quote brings out the meaning in an excellent manner.

Healing Musical Touch

Healing Musical Touch

Greatness Of Music

It is said that silence is most eloquent. Music is also no less when it comes to a classical expression.

Greatness Of Music

Greatness Of Music

Dave Strauchman Quote

This quote gives vent to a singer’s idea of music and as per him everything one hears is music.

Dave Strauchman Quote

Dave Strauchman Quote

Friedrich Nietzsche Music Quote

Music nourishes the mind and soul. Therefore, life without music would be an error.

Friedrich Nietzsche Music Quote

Friedrich Nietzsche Music Quote

Alex Gaskarth Quote

Music is irreplaceable; this is what the quote implies. It is like a boon for human kind.

Alex Gaskarth Quote

Alex Gaskarth Quote

Capacity Of Music

This quote articulates that superb quality of music that can make the impossible possible.

Capacity Of Music

Capacity Of Music

True Music

Greg Garrity puts forth his views on music and why it should be pursued.

True Music

True Music

Music Profession Quote

The guitarist speaks about the personal and professional aspects of music as a career.

Music Profession Quote

Music Profession Quote

Rowling Music Quote

The “Harry Potter” creator’s take on music renders it an ethereal status. According to her, melody is heavenly.

Rowling Music Quote

Rowling Music Quote

Nurturing Music

Just like we need food and water for our body, music provides nutrition to our soul.

Nurturing Music

Nurturing Music

Rian Dawson Quote

Music is the driving force behind the life of this drummer and he believes it can fix everything.

Rian Dawson Quote

Rian Dawson Quote



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