23 Awesome Broken Art Tattoo Compilation


Broken Art Tattoo (BAT) has been a pioneer in the tattooing sector for the past few years. The organization started out in 2005 as a small shop in Los Angeles and has emerged as a driver of tattoo demands ever since. It has continued to pursue its goal of recreating art effortlessly and its diverse ever-increasing network of clients is an ample proof of its determination towards service.

People nowadays are experimenting with their looks all the more. This makes tattoos a very attractive option. Your tattoos can reveal significant details about your personality, augment your attitude and change the manner in which you carry yourself. Appearance matters; and tattooists at BAT know best as to what to deliver. If you are confused about what to go for, just try out some temporary tattoo designs as trial runs before you finally get a sense of what suits your body. After that you can go for a permanent etch. There are numerous designs to choose from, with the most popular being those evoking the emotions of power and love. Mastery in various types of designs like floral patterns, winged and interwoven structures, elegant writings and so on has catapulted B.A.T as an inspiration for tattooists worldwide. Although health risks have always been in the debate regarding tattooing, experience of B.A.T professionals in the use of universally accepted risk-mitigation practices suggest you should not be worried about getting a B.A Tattoo. So pick up a design that evokes your taste, and go for some new spice in your look.

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Adorned Deer

This broken art tattoo shows a prized deer adorned with elements of precious stuff and vegetation, with its horns adding to the symmetry and beauty.

Adorned Deer

Adorned Deer

Lady On Bicycle

Sometimes simple contexts without any special element can create beauty, as this extraordinarily plain tattoo shows.

Lady On Bicycle

Lady On Bicycle

Music Theme

Music fans would love musical themed tattoos on their body, painting a harmonic and melodious picture.

Music Theme

Music Theme

Speak Your Heart

This tattoo beautifully uses the geometry of the human body to create a very simple yet gorgeous depiction of the human heart, the figure for continuation of life.

Speak Your Heart

Speak Your Heart

Eagle Back

Want to change the face of your back? Eagles have always been a hot element for tattoos, sending vibes of cold power.

Eagle Back

Eagle Back

Fire Symmetry

Two contrasting elements are united by the symmetry of fire in this piece of work with a vintage touch.

Fire Symmetry

Fire Symmetry

Natural Tattoo

Simple but elegant, this tattoo avoids clumsy patterns making it spacious but still serene and natural.

Natural Tattoo

Natural Tattoo

Capture The Moment

Moments like this exist for seconds, so why not etch their beauty permanently on your skin?

Capture The Moment

Capture The Moment

Royal Cross Tattoo

Tattoos on lower and upper arms have always been there, covering bigger scales and imbibing more emotions inside.

Royal Cross Tattoo

Royal Cross Tattoo

Devil Lincoln

There is something about wings that simply makes them an almost inseparable component of many tattoo designs.

Devil Lincoln

Devil Lincoln

Royal Blood

Simply amazing, this design relies on simple and clear writing unlike designs to send a beautifully neat message.

Royal Blood

Royal Blood


Small tattoos often get more attention than bigger ones as there are not a host of elements to focus on; just a crystal clear small imprint.



Skull Fun

Skulls have always represented ghostly powers and barbarism, but this beautiful pattern really takes them to a lovely contrasting context.

Skull Fun

Skull Fun

Lovely Art

The symmetry and the interlocking of the various elements in this tattoo make it distinctly appealing. Marvelous artwork.

Lovely Art

Lovely Art


Imprinting the Divine Power on your body makes you feel closer to the Lord at all times.




Abstract designs rely more on the combination of a number of elements to make sense rather than the appeal of a single attention-pulling element.



Ferocious Power

Large feathered birds have always appealed to people who want to show power and fight-back, primarily because of their large beautifully patterned wings.

Ferocious Power

Ferocious Power

Back Petals

Floral designs like this have mainly been flaunted by women. The colors and curls indicate a very optimistic and loving attitude towards life.

Back Petals

Back Petals

Teresa On Hand

Famous personalities are never forgotten, as this work rightfully depicts.

Teresa On Hand

Teresa On Hand

Real Feather

Feathers have always been used to adorn crowns. Their beauty is unraveled, as this almost-real looking tattoo of a simple feather shows.

Real Feather

Real Feather

Beauty On Muscles

Muscles show power, and adorning them with elements of subtle beauty bring out a rich contrast in you.

Beauty On Muscles

Beauty On Muscles

Birds Together

Birds, especially wings, have always evoked a sense of freedom and are a hot choice among tattooists.

Birds Together

Birds Together

Hidden Silence

Powerful animals and birds will never lose their shine in the context of tattooing, and cold-blooded silence adds to the thrill.

Hidden Silence

Hidden Silence


  1. These are definitely awesome Broken Art Tattoos. The artists of these tattoos are very creative and imaginative. I like the Music Theme the most. I chose it because I really like music very much. ^^


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