35 Charming Disney Castle Tattoos


No one is ever too old for Disney. For many of us, Disney Park memories have stuck through all the years. Did you, like me, grew up with Disney movies, singing along to every song with full volume, not ever missing a single line or beat? Or, are you one of those who used to watch the dusty VHS tapes religiously until you can visit Disney World again? Who can ever forget Disneyland where dreams come true and memories are made? Saying goodbye to Disneyworld is the last thing anyone would like to do. Even the lure of modern luxury pales in comparison to powerful fortresses, stunningly beautiful stained glass windows, romantic clifftop ruins, fairy-tale châteaux, haunted tower houses, spellbinding castles With their hallowed hallways and romantic turrets with fairy-tale-like charms.

There’s just something magical about castles and the stories they tell – tales of chivalry, royalty, beauty, nobility wealth and grandeur. Though they belong to another, almost forgotten time, they become alive and capture our imagination in the world of Disney.

38 Charming Disney Castle TattoosGuess we never really outgrow our years of a million dreams. Deep inside of us still lurks that little dreamy prince or princess who loves to explore the magical and mysterious land of fairies, castles, and kings. What better way to fulfill this secret fantasy but to carry this dream along with you and make it an integral part of your being? The only thing more magical than magic itself is turning magic into reality! If you are a Disney aficionado and want something enchanting, then consider having your favorite Disney castle inked into your skin.

Having a stunning castle tattoo will always take you back to your magical moments in Disneyland and make you hum along to your favorite movie theme. Center for most Disney Castle tattoos is Cinderella’s castle which represents magic, courage, love, and joy. Can you remember how your face lit up and how your eyes danced when you first saw this world-famous, iconic Disney landmark?

The great news is, there are a plethora of choices for Disney Castle Tattoos!

What does that tell us? That means you are not alone – you share the same sentiment with thousands of people who are proud to flaunt their fantasies and have chosen to immortalize their dreams by having them inked on their skin.

Here are 38 Charming Disney Castle Tattoos you can choose from:

1.   Pink and Blue Disney Castle Tattoo

Pink and Blue Disney Castle Tattoo
by: pomme_funhouse via Instagram

2. Adorable Little Mickey and Disney Castle Outline Tattoo

Adorable Little Mickey and Disney Castle Tattoo
by: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

3. Magic Kingdom Disney Castle Tattoos

Magic Kingdom Disney Castle Tattoos
by: rachelbaldwintattoo via Instagram

4. Lovely Disney Castle Snow Globe Tattoo

Lovely Disney castle snow globe tattoo disney castle tattoos
by: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

5. Watercolor Disney Castle Tattoos

Watercolor Disney Castle Tattoos
by: abbiemcnifftattoo via Instagram

6. Elegant Disney Castle Tattoos

Elegant Disney Castle Tattoos
by: alexandratattoos via Instagram

7. Disney Castle and Roses Tattoo

Disney Castle and Roses Tattoo
by: petronallertattoos via Instagram

8. The Castle from the Story Book

The Castle from the Story Book Disney Castle Tattoos
by: _wuddup_its_tabi_ via Instagram

9. Adventure is out there

Adventure is out there Disney Castle Tattoos
By: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

10. Disney Castle Tattoos

Disney Castle Tattoos
by: dktattoos via Instagram

11. Disney World Tattoo

Disney World Tattoo
by: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

12. Disney Land

Disney Land Disney Castle Tattoos
by: babs_art_and_ink via Instagram

13. Mickey Mouse and Castle

Mickey Mouse and Castle Disney Castle Tattoos
by: shannonrosespeakeasy via Instagram

14. Mini Mouse and Disney Castle Tattoos

Mini Mouse and Disney Castle Tattoos
by: samilocke via Instagram

15. Dotwork Disney Castle Tattoos

Dotwork Disney Castle Tattoos
by: mia_tattoo_art via Instagram

16. Tinkerbell and the Castle Disney Castle Tattoos

Tinkerbell and the Castle Disney Castle Tattoos

17. Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World Disney Castle Tattoos
by: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

18. Black and Grey Disney Castle Tattoos

Black and Grey Disney Castle Tattoos
by: ryan5fingers via Instagram

19. Sparkly Disney Castle Tattoos

Sparkly Disney castle Tattoos
by: moonstarmemoirs via Instagram

20. Watercolor Disney Castle and Mickey and Mini Mouse Tattoos

Watercolor Disney Castle and Mickey and MIni Mouse Tattoos
by feline_sick via Instagram

21. Wonderful Little Hidden Mickey Inside the Castle 

Wonderful Little Hidden Mickey Inside the Castle Disney Castle Tattoos
by: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

22. Once Upon a Dream

Once Upon a Dream Disney Castle Tattoos
by: tess_divine_ink via Instagram

23. Disney Castle Snow Globe

Disney Castle Snow Globe Disney Castle Tattoos
by: pretty_grotesque via Instagram

24. Glittery Disney Castle Tattoos

Glittery Disney Castle Tattoos
by: pretty_grotesque via Instagram

25. Fireworks and Disney Castle Tattoos

Fireworks and Disney Castle Tattoos
by: cathy_sue via Instagram

26. Stunning Disney Fireworks and Castle Disney Castle Tattoos

stunning Disney fireworks and castle disney castle tattoos
by: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

27. Super Cute Disney Castle Foot Tattoos

Super Cute Foot Disney Castle Tattoos
by: ladychappelletattoos via Instagram

28. Mickey’s Disney Castle Tattoos

Mickey's Disney Castle Tattoos
by: pretty_grotesque via Instagram

29. Maleficent and Disney Castle Tattoos

Maleficent and Disney Castle Tattoos
by: missrietattoo via Instagram

30. Disney Castle Back Tattoo

Disney Castle Back Tattoo
by: pretty_grotesque via Instagram

31. Disney Castle Dotwork Tattoo

Disney Castle Dotwork Tattoo Disney Castle Tattoo
by vintageinktattoo via Instagram

32. Disney Castle Inside a Seashell

Disney Castle Inside a Seashell Disney Castle Tattoos

33. Colorful Disney Castle Tattoos

Colorful Disney Castle Tattoos
by: disney_and_potter_tattoo via Instagram

34. Disney Castle Sleeve Tattoo

Disney Castle Sleeve Tattoo Disney Castle Tattoos
By: roopsie1982 via Instagram

35. Jackskelington Disney Castle Tattoos

Jackskelington Disney Castle Tattoos
by: dh_tatt2 via Instagram


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