The sun has always been the embodiment of life and prosperity. It was always placed on a pedestal higher than anything else, even revered as a deity in the pre historic times. The sun has always held a tight grip on man’s imagination. So, it comes as hardly a surprise that the sun tattoos origin could also be traced back to those times.
Tribal sun tattoos have transcended the boundaries of time and are still very much in vogue. They exude a certain charm and power that no other tattoo could even contemplate matching. They have certainly been modernized to match the present day trends and flavors. These tattoos are not just about their style and swagger; they also have their own sui generis meaning. The sun tattoo do not just mean power and supremacy, they also have a plethora of other meanings. Truth, vigor, passion, reincarnation, immortality, courage and dignity are few of a long list of meanings that the sun tattoos stands for. Although they used to be inked big, nowadays they are inked in almost all sizes according to a person’s wish. If done tastefully they can be a source of great pride and satisfaction. Here are some of the sun tattoos that will stoke your desire.
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Simple and Elegant
Even though small, the tattoo stands out for its simple style that is too elegant not to notice.
Basic Sun Tatoo
This basic design is certainly not fancy but with its bold black color it still is a class act.
Suns Need Rose
I know it should be the other way around but this tattoo depicts the sun inheriting the color of the rose making it an intriguing and colorful tattoo.
Intense Sun Tattoo
This all black sun tattoo with its straight and bowed rays would be a terrific addition to your body.
Tribal Sun Swagger
With the rays crisscrossing at right angles, this tattoo is the archetype of the swagger mentioned earlier. It is also the logo of the heavy metal band, Godsmack.
Wavy Tribal Sun
This tribal tattoo is unique due to its wavy rays as well as the waviness sketched onto the inner surface of the sun.
Divine Aries Tattoo
This tattoo, with the symbol of aries inside the sun, clearly personifies the Aries personality strong and impulsive.
Mandala Tribal Tattoo
Mandala, in Sanskrit, means the circle. This tattoo lives up to its name by keeping the focus more on the circle of the sun.
A Ball of Fire
This sun tattoo, shaded with red and yellow, is a representation of the sun as a ball of fire.
Green Power
The addition of the black hue to the vibrant green gives a dynamic look to the tattoo. The orange dots at the end of the rays give it an extra zing.
Opposites Attract
This tribal tattoo sees the coalescence of the fiery sun with the enticing moon, making it an alluring prospect.
Maui and Sun
Straight from folklore, this tattoo regales the story of how the brave Maui captured the sun to do his bidding.
Growth Tattoo
The tattoo with its longer rays indicates the growing influence of the sun or the person carrying the tattoo.
Attractive Sun Tattoo
This attractive sun tattoo would definitely turn some heads your way.
Life Sun Tattoo
This tattoo is filled with symbolism. The sun portrays life while the symbols in the center represent confidence and contempt.
Tribal Back Tattoo
This tattoo is the one you are looking for if you want a tattoo that is steeped in tribal history and covers the entire length of your back.
Pagan Sun Tattoo
This expansive pagan sun tattoo interprets the sun as a handsome god.
The Love Tattoo
The vivid red of the sun and the woman both characterize the same thing Love. The stars add a little extra aura to the tattoo.
Parched Sun Tattoo
This intricately designed tattoo represents the parched sun and its swirling effect.
Maori Sun Tattoo
This tattoo is a celebration of the sun’s omnipotence by the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand.
Taino Sun Tattoo
Another indigenous tattoo. The Taino community belonged to the Caribbean Islands and they believed that the sun and moon came out of caves.
The Tribal Sun
If this ritzy tattoo could speak it would say: Flaunt me! And you would find it hard to not comply.
Black Sun Tattoo
This stylish black sun tattoo delineates the sun in all its glory.
Lower Back Sun Tattoo
The yellow and red colours mixed together indicate the setting sun. This could also mean the end of all thoughts.
Tribal Sun-Moon Tattoo
The fashionably designed sun and moon represents the balance you have achieved or hoping to achieve. A perfect combination like the yin and yang.
The Maroon Star
While the star in the middle of the sun symbolizes tranquility, the black and red colors jazz up the tattoo.
Wavy Tribal Sun design is very good looking and it just small and sexy.
I like the Black sun tattoo. It’s really good for summer. ^^
They all look the same to me but I like the ones that’s inked black. That makes it very tribal looking. ^^
The first two tattoo design is the most great looking in this collection and the most clean looking too.
Tribal Sun-Moon Tattoo is giving stylish and stunning look to him, It‘s really very good work.
Wow these Striking Tribal Sun Tattoos are really looking very awesome and cool.