24 Impressive Tattoo Filler Ideas


A great deal of meticulous artistry and thoughtful research is required to create a classic tattoo piece. Tattoos are popular style statements and all the tattoo lovers want a classic tattoo to adorn their body. To achieve this, they are willing to go to any length; right from enduring excruciating pain to getting in fillers in order to get a perfect body art piece. After all, it is a part and parcel of who they are and what they want to express.

Most of those who feel that their tattoo is looking incomplete or inadequate look for tattoo filler ideas.

These ideas can be anything from serene shading to totally new motifs or images. We get it. There are some tattoos that you regret having. Well here is some good news, you don’t have to live with it forever. You can look for tattoo filler ideas that will redefine your horrid tattoo.

While searching for fillers one must pay attention to the original theme and design of the tattoo. One must select something which is complementary to the base. The color of the filler must also be chosen with great care otherwise a good-looking tattoo can become an eyesore in minutes. Well, don‘t worry if you are not well-versed in aesthetics of tattoos. We may solve your problem with these 24 examples of tattoo filler ideas. Take a look. It is bound to give you a clearer perception.

Brilliant Filler

This exploitation theme tattoo looks more accurate with the blowing maple leaves and the message is also conveyed more clearly.

Brilliant Filler

Brilliant Filler

Starry Sleeve Fillers

Colorful full sleeve tattoo with multiple motifs has been given small starry fillers for a precise look.

Starry Sleeve Fillers

Starry Sleeve Fillers

Fill Flames

Incorporating some more flames around the match stick might make the tattoo look more appealing.

Fill Flames

Fill Flames

Fill Colors

A floral sleeve tattoo looks very catchy when it displays bright catchy colors. Therefore, it is a good idea to put in some spicy shades.

Fill Colors

Fill Colors

Sweet Filler Idea

The stars and dots around the diamond work as a lovely tattoo filler idea.

Sweet Filler Idea

Sweet Filler Idea

Nice Filler Idea

The numbers were filled in later in this money rose sleeve tattoo for a more meaningful look.

Nice Filler Idea

Nice Filler Idea

Rose Entry

This sleeve tattoo has acquired a beautiful charm with the incoming of the bright red rose.

Rose Entry

Rose Entry

Snake Addition

This patriotic chest tattoo looks more evocative due to the snake that was brought in later as a filler idea.

Snake Addition

Snake Addition

Shading Fillers

The winged skull was filled around with dark grayish shading for a fine effect.

Shading Fillers

Shading Fillers

Sensible Addition

The small daggers were inserted into the heart as a meaningful filler idea.

Sensible Addition

Sensible Addition

Artistic Fillers

The twin circular dotted designs are welcome fillers to the musical instrument and geometric pieces.

Artistic Fillers

Artistic Fillers

Sleeve Tattoo Filler

The waves look fine as fillers and complete the full sleeve tattoo with graceful perfection.

Sleeve Tattoo Filler

Sleeve Tattoo Filler

Small Fillers

Sleeve tattoos provide ample scope for fillers and this image showcases a horseshoe and crescent that were added as fillers.

Small Fillers

Small Fillers

Classic Idea

The devilish medusa would look more catchy if floral and wavy fillers are added to the sleeve.

Classic Idea

Classic Idea

Alluring Addition

This arm tattoo with swirls and sun looks more eye-catching and meaningful with the leaf filler idea.

Alluring Addition

Alluring Addition

Musical Filler

The little loudspeaker and the blown out music waves look very cute as a filler idea.

Musical Filler

Musical Filler

Leafy Addition

The poppy flowers look more beautiful and absolutely complete with the addition of leaves.

Leafy Addition

Leafy Addition

Fabulous Filler Idea

The self strength koi lettering brings a more evocative and eloquent effect to this sleeve tattoo.

Fabulous Filler Idea

Fabulous Filler Idea

Sober Filler Idea

The black shading fillers around the Celtic cross look very elegant and complete the arm tattoo perfectly.

Sober Filler Idea

Sober Filler Idea

Aesthetic Attachment

The yellow buds enhance the aesthetic charm of this interesting tattoo created with a rose and wine bottle.

Aesthetic Attachment

Aesthetic Attachment

Attractive Augmentation

The green abstract pattern is used as a filler in this guardian angel dragon tattoo to enhance its charm.

Attractive Augmentation

Attractive Augmentation

Complementary Fillers

The mixture of gray and white fillers goes great with the orange and yellow lettering.

Complementary Fillers

Complementary Fillers

Leaves & Waves Filler

The maple leaves and waves bring value and meaning to the koi fish sleeve tattoo.

Leaves & Waves Filler

Leaves & Waves Filler

Gray Sketchy Fillers

This grim reaper sleeve tattoo, created with sketchy fillers, looks very cool.

Gray Sketchy Fillers

Gray Sketchy Fillers

Soothing Shading

The blue shading around the cherry blossom branches acts as a charming filler idea.

Soothing Shading

Soothing Shading

If you find these different tattoo fillers too much for your taste, perhaps you could go for something different like a lion finger tattoo design on your fingers. Tattoo ideas are endless and it’s just insane how you can get any tattoo design you want. Check out the best tattoo kit for these kinds of tattoos.


If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on  Sick Tattoo Ideas,  Chest Tattoo Quotes,  Rose Tattoos For 2013  and  Cute Tattoos For 2013.


  1. Fill Flames tattoo filter idea is really an impressive idea which impressed me and i liked the tattoo design its beautiful.

  2. Fill Flames tattoo filter ideas is really a cool one and the flame of the matchstick is looking very real and it’s giving a very appealing look.

  3. This is the most bullshit article I’ve ever read… Half of theses aren’t fill ideas, nor were they after thoughts or add-ons, nor do you understand the concept of fill. What a terrible waste of time… Just wow.


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