There is nothing more terrifying than the awesome power of Mother Nature. One of the most terrifying storms that happen during certain times of year are tornadoes, and many places have been leveled right down to their foundations because of these powerful storms.
One look at these pictures of 20 Terrifying Tornadoes will make you bow down to the awesome power of Mother Nature, and also, cause you go to break out in goosebumps! Can you handle this much raw power? Do you consider yourself a brave person? Well if the answer is yes, then go ahead and scroll down… we dare you!
Cone Tornado
One of the most fascinating things about tornadoes is their unique cone shape. This tornado photograph seems to capture the distinctive cone shape, and truly makes for a terrifying photo.
Dark Tornado
The clouds that make up this tornado are very dark, and they give the forming tornado an even more deadly and terrifying look.
Fire Tornado
As if tornadoes are not terrifying enough, this one just happens to be made of fire! No one is sure exactly how this fire tornado was created, but it looks just as scary as the ones that are made from storm clouds.
Florida Tornado
The picture of this Florida tornado is the fact that it is happening right in the middle of a neighborhood, and it does not even look like a tornado, but more like smoke rising over the housing area.
Jet Ski and Water Tornado
Being on land during a tornado can be pretty scary, but what happens if you are on a jet ski when a tornado happens right on the water beside you? Is there a way to outrun a tornado on top of the water?
Oklahoma Tornado
When it comes to tornadoes, there are many states that are in what is known as Tornado Alley, and Oklahoma is one of them. Whomever took this tornado photograph was very brave because this tornado is not that far away.
Rainbow Tornado
Tornadoes tend to happen when there is a rainstorm, and sometimes a rainbow can appear at the same time that the tornado, which will give it a sort of beauty and the best look to the photograph.
Snowy Mountain Tornado
This amazing tornado picture was captured on the top of the mountain, and to add to the terror, there is also a bolt of lightning that strikes at the exact same time.
Kansas Tornado
Tornadoes can happen anywhere, and this one is getting close to both houses and businesses. Imagine being in one of those houses or places of business and seeing this tornado forming and getting closer by the second?
Tornado in a Field
A tornado can come in any shape or size, and this particular tornado seems very long and skinny. However, do not be fooled by its thin appearance, any tornado can be deadly and dangerous.
Tornado with Lightning
This tornado looks very big and wide, and it has such force to it that it created static electricity. When too much static electricity builds up, lightning is created, and someone captured it on film right next to the tornado.
Tornado Near Farmhouse
The people who live in this farmhouse are in a great deal of danger, and hopefully, they went to their basement to be safe from this terrifying tornado that looks as though it is about to come down on them any second.
Tornado with a House
Anyone that sees this tornado picture is going to wonder if the tornado is forming directly over this house, or is about to come down right on top of it, but either way, it is truly a scary photo.
Tornado with Storm Chasers
Some people are so fascinated with tornadoes that they actually get in their cars and chase them. This is a rare picture of storm chasers that are getting what they want, which is getting up close and personal with the awesome power of a tornado.
Tree and Tornado
A tornado can act like a giant vacuum and suck everything up from the ground including houses, people, and even trees. This little tree is about to become the victim of a tornado, and someone managed to capture it on film.
Twin Tornadoes
A tornado forming can be a rare event, but what do you call two forming at the same time? Twin tornadoes can be a very rare thing, and someone actually captured the amazing moment on film.
Water Tornadoes
The man on the jet ski may be in danger, but he is a witness to a very extraordinary event, and that is the fact that there is at least two water tornadoes forming all around him. Though the man is doing the right thing, and that is escaping from this water disaster while he still can.
Water Tornado
A water tornado can be just as deadly and destructive as their land counterparts, and from the size of this water tornado, it is a very good thing that whomever took this picture is safely on land instead of in the water.
White Tornado
This luckily photographer managed to get the image of a white tornado, and it truly is an amazing sight to see on film.
Wisconsin Tornado
A person captured this tornado in the state of Wisconsin, and the bottom of it is quite amazing to see. The power of a tornado can kick up dust, and that is what can be seen around the bottom of the tornado as it moves along the ground.
So, how scary were these tornado pictures? Did these pictures make you want to go running for your basement? If these pictures scared you, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list, we have other lists below. All you have to do is click one so what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
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