11 Fun and Functional Tattoo Ideas

arm ruler tattoo

Tattoos are a unique form of self-expression. They can be beautiful, gruesome, personal, meaningful, or silly. Some people aren’t just all about the art—they want something useful too. And this is where functional tattoos come in!

Although tattoos are usually viewed as a form of art, they can also be functional and serve important purposes.

Useful and functional tattoos aren’t as common as their purely artistic counterparts, they are becoming more popular.

Functional tattoos usually involve inking something that will never change on one’s body. They may be able to be used by the human canvas, or display important information to others about them.

Even if you don’t think you’d consider functional tattoos, they’re still fun to check out. For those of you interested in getting one, here are a few awesome functional tattoo ideas to ponder!

1. Wedding Ring Tattoos

Nothing says “together forever” like permanently inked rings on your ring fingers! These wedding ring tattoos are both beautiful and functional tattoo ideas.

Functional Tattoo Ideas 07Women-tattoo.net

2. Hair Tattoo

Men with receding hair lines can appreciate these functional tattoo ideas. Tiny hair tattoos cover the balding areas to create the illusion of hair growth.

Functional Tattoo Ideas 03ABC News

3. QR Code Tattoo

Tech lovers might want to consider a QR code tattoo. These functional tattoo ideas can be scanned by a smartphone, and display items like contact information, websites, images, and more. Getting a tattoo of an editable QR code also allows the human canvas to change the information displayed.

Functional Tattoo Ideas 01Tattoo-kid.com

4. Medic Alert Tattoo  

Medic alert bracelets are highly recommended for some people with certain medical conditions, like diabetes, epilepsy, pacemakers, and allergies. Medic alert jewelry can be lost or forgotten, though, which makes these medic alert tattoos awesome functional tattoo ideas! These are best placed on an area that paramedics and other medical professionals would normally look for the medic alert jewelry, such as on the wrist.

Functional Tattoo Ideas 10mysendoff.com

5. Living Will Tattoo

I’m not sure how legally binding a tattooed living will is, but it’s definitely an interesting idea!

Functional Tattoo Ideas 09MySendOff.com

6. “Do Not Resuscitate” Tattoo

Like the living will tattoo above, I’m not sure how legally enforceable this “Do Not Resuscitate” tattoo is, but it’s still an interesting an unmistakable way to make your wishes known. This one os placed on the chest, just above the heart, where most emergency medical workers would begin resuscitation.

Functional Tattoo Ideas 04FloridaEstatePlanningLawyerBlog.com

7. To-Do List Tattoo

Never forget anything again with this to-do list tattoo! It has several lines to write in the items you need to do as well as check boxes to mark completed items off your list. Definitely an interesting concept!

to do listGooPhoto.com

8. Notepad Tattoo

This notepad tattoo is similar to the to-do list tattoo above, but a little more informal. Both of them serve the same purpose, though, and are excellent functional tattoo ideas!

Functional Tattoo Ideas 06TattooartGallery.org

9. Finger Ruler Tattoo

You never know when you need a ruler for a little measuring! You’ll never be without on with this neat little finger ruler tattoo!

Functional Tattoo Ideas 05ShiftGig.com

10. Arm Ruler Tattoo

Need a longer ruler? Check out this arm ruler tattoo that can measure up to eight inches.

arm ruler tattooScrewDecaf.cx

11. Traveler’s Map Tattoo

World travelers can appreciate this map tattoo. Every time this man visits a different country in the world, he has it colored in on the map.

Functional Tattoo Ideas 02Niume.com

12. Advertising Tattoos

Finally, we have advertising tattoos as functional tattoo ideas! This idea isn’t for everyone, but it’s an interesting way to get the word out about a brand for companies, and it’s a unique way for human canvases to make a little extra cash—provided they don’t mind becoming walking billboards, that is!

functional tattoo ideas 12Host Gator

These functional tattoo ideas definitely aren’t for everyone, but they certainly are food for thought! Some of these functional tattoos are actually pretty useful too! So, if you’re considering a functional tattoo, hopefully you got some great inspiration.

Love these functional tattoo ideas? You might also like these  40 Awesome Hand Tattoos, 30 Glamorous Wedding Ring Tattoos, and 30 Remarkable Infinity Symbol Tattoo Designs!


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