20 Gorgeous Garter Tattoo Ideas


A thigh tattoo is a popular tattoo for women. To make this tattoo location even sexier and more sultry, some women may choose a garter tattoo. This lacy design wraps all the way around the thigh, and is usually tattooed to look like real lace. Oftentimes, ribbons, bows and other embellishments are also added to the designs. Talented tattoo artists can even make garter thigh tattoos appear very realistic.

Black is a common color for garter tattoos. However, nearly any colors can be used, both for the garter itself and for the embellishments.

If you’re on the hunt for some great garter tattoo ideas, keep scrolling! These thigh tattoos will have you ready to hit the next tattoo shop you see!

1. White Garter Tattoo

A pretty white garter belt tattoo is a pretty and feminine tattoo. The ribbons and jewel details are a nice little touch.

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2. Garter Tattoo With Pink Bow and Heart Jewel

An open lace garter tattoo design is softened and girly with a pretty pink bow and heart shaped jewel.

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3. Long Garter Thigh Tattoo

This gorgeous and ornate garter thigh tattoo is bigger than most and drapes down the thigh toward the knee.

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4. Red and Black Skull Garter Tattoo

This garter thigh tattoo is still pretty and feminine, with the lace and ribbons, but it also puts out an edgier vibe with the little skull detail!

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5. Corset Laced Garter Thigh Tattoo

If you need a garter thigh tattoo to match your corset tattoo, this laced up version might be just the thing!

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6. Black Open Lace Garter Tattoo

This open lace design is simple, yet detailed, and makes a gorgeous garter thigh tattoo design!

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7. Red Ribbon Garter Thigh Tattoo

The red ribbon detail in this black lace garter tattoo adds a beautiful pop of color!

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8. Big Bow Red Garter Tattoo

A big pretty red bow on a garter tattoo is a nice choice if you’re looking for even more color in your thigh tattoo.

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9. Big Bow Thigh Tattoo

For a super feminine look, a big bow goes a long way, even on an all black thigh tattoo!

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10. Red Garter Tattoo

Red—the color of passion—makes for a super sexy and sultry garter thigh tattoo!

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11. Pink and Black Garter Thigh Tattoo

Ladies will definitely be pretty in pink with this sweet garter tattoo!

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12. Wide Lace and Purple Garter Tattoo

This wider garter tattoo is embellished with a pretty purple ribbon.

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13. Old Revolver Garter Tattoo

For a really edgy look, some ladies might want to carry an old fashioned revolver in their garter. Tattoo, that is!

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14. Snub Nose Revolver Garter Tattoo

It may look small, but a snub nose revolver can pack quite the punch!

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15. Pistol Garter Tattoo

I think the lace and bow takes the edge off this pistol tattoo, don’t you think?

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16. Pink Pistol Thigh Tattoo

Add a little pink and lace, and a pistol thigh tattoo is perfect for the ladies!

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17. Scissors Garter Thigh Tattoo

This cute little thigh tattoo is perfect for a hairdresser!

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18. Wand Garter Tattoo

A wand tucked into a pretty purple garter thigh tattoo shows off a lady’s mysterious and whimsical side!

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19. Tattoo Gun Tattoo

It’s no wonder that the detail in this garter tattoo gun tattoo is simply exquisite!

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20. Dagger Thigh Tattoo

Something tells me that messing with this young lady wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest, regardless of how pretty her thigh tattoo is!

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Tiny details like the lace in garter thigh tattoos can be a bit tricky to complete. Before you run out to get inked with your own garter tattoo, make sure you choose an experienced and talented tattoo artist. Tattoo artists with a knack for small details are likely to do a great job on a thigh tattoo such as this, so it’s important to choose wisely. Don’t be afraid to ask for examples of similar work before going under the needle!

If you loved these garter tattoo ideas, you might also want to check out these 12 Stunning Back Corset Tattoo Designs, 40 Incredible Thigh Tattoos, and 28 Provocative Lace Tattoos!


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