A bloody tattoo design is an interesting choice for a permanent piece of body art. Designs like this are usually pretty graphic and not for the faint of heart.
There might be a number of reasons why a person might choose a bloody tattoo design. Some people might just want a more unusual tattoo design. Most people looking for bloody tattoos, however, usually have a taste for the macabre.
If you’re looking for bloody tattoo designs, your choices certainly aren’t limited! For a little inspiration and some great ideas, take a look at these bloody tattoos!
1. Bloody Barbed Wire Tattoo
This barbed wire tattoo has just a few strategically placed droplets of blood. It’s a subtle bloody tattoo design that’s not too over the top.
2. Bloody Cut Tattoo
This cut tattoo, complete with blood, is realistic enough to turn a few heads!
3. Razor Bloody Tattoo Design
A bloody razor tattoo on the wrist might be a little disturbing to some. To others, though, it might have some emotional significance.
4. Bloody All Seeing Eye Tattoo
Here’s an interesting variation of an all seeing eye tattoo. The bloody splatter and black birds add a macabre element.
5. Splattered Bloody Tattoo Design
This is a slightly simpler bloody tattoo design, but it’s still pretty powerful. It’s little more than a blood splatter, but the detail and artistry in this is fantastic!
6. Bleeding Hook Tattoo
A good 3D tattoo can be utterly amazing! And this bloody tattoo design of a hook in the skin looks real enough to fool most people from the right angle.
7. Bloody Paw Print Tattoo
Bloody paw prints scampering up the side of the body are creepy and macabre, but still a little cute.
8. Bloody Skull Tattoo
A skull seems to fit perfectly with a bloody tattoo design!
9. Bloody Tattoo Design With Ants
Yuck! Adding some creepy crawly insects to a bloody tattoo design definitely ups the gore factor here!
10. Pierced Mouth With Blood Tattoo
No need to decide between a pierced lip and a bloody tattoo design here. Hopefully, though, an actual lip piercing wouldn’t have this much blood.
11. Bloody Alien Tattoo
Alien movie fans can appreciate this bloody tattoo design.
12. Bloody Heart and Key Design
If you’re contemplating a bloody heart tattoo design, this keyhole design is unique and clever.
13. Bloody Rose Tattoo
A rose dripping with blood is both beautiful and macabre. The skull in the middle adds a nice dark little twist.
14. Bloody Puzzle Piece Tattoo
How’s this for a bloody twist on a puzzle piece tattoo? It would make an interesting half to a matching tattoo!
15. Bloody Eyeball Chest Tattoo
You can’t get much creepier than a giant eyeball being ripped open in this bloody tattoo design!
16. Blood Mouth Neck Tattoo
Okay, maybe there is something creepier than a bloody tattoo design with a giant eyeball on the chest…
Do your research when choosing an artist for your own bloody tattoo design. Choose a tattoo artist who specialized in 3D or realistic tattoos. A horror tattoo artist can also usually create an amazing mind-blowing bloody tattoo design!
Very Creative Tattoo’s…!!! I love tattoo but this is something Different…!!