10 Painted Paneling Ideas


Wood paneling and faux wood paneling was a popular wall option decades ago, and many homes still sort these outdated looks. Homeowners with wood paneling know just how dark and dreary it can make a home. Those with wood paneling are constantly looking for ways to update and brighten up their space. Painted paneling is probably the best solution for this, especially if you’re on a budget!

Painting wood paneling is something that many homeowners are actually a little nervous about. However, it’s a much easier task than most people might realize. A good primer can take care of many problems that come with painting wood paneling before they even begin. Primer can create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere and block out many of the stains that can bleed through the paint from the paneling.

If you’re still not quite convinced about painting wood paneling, take a look at these beautiful rooms with painted paneling and decide for yourself!

1. Off-White Painted Paneling

An off-white paint can do wonders in a room with wood paneling. It’s not as stark as pure white, but it can really brighten things up!

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2. Blue Striped Painted Paneling

You can really have some fun with painting paneling too! Paint each individual board on the paneling a complimenting color for an interesting striped look.

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3. Painted Blue Paneling

You can really paint wood paneling any color that you’d paint any other wall. This blue is a great way to add some cheerful color to a dark area.

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4. Paneling Painted Gray

Gray is a fantastic neutral color, and it’s quickly becoming a popular wall color. Light grays are a great way to lighten up a room, and they go with anything and give a room a nice modern makeover!

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5. Tan Striped Paneling With Wainscoting

Neutral tan stripes can give outdated paneling a nice makeover. The white wainscoting also adds a nice accent here.

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6. Green Painted Paneling

A lighter green painted paneling can really brighten and liven up a dark and dreary room!

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7. Tan Striped Painted Paneling

Tan and off-white are a beautiful color combination for painted striped paneling! Plus, the colors are neutral, making this look super versatile.

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8. Wide and Narrow Striped Painted Paneling

A combination of wide and narrow painted stripes on wood paneling make an interesting look.

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9. Pastel Painted Paneling

If you want to brighten up a room but aren’t a big fan of white, try painting paneling with tel colors. It will give the room the brightness it needs and a nice hint of color.

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10. Bright Red Paneling

If big color is what you’re looking for, painted paneling is a great option! This bright red paint covers the paneling nice

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ly, and it adds some big color in this little country kitchen!

If you’re looking for coor ideas for your painted paneling, you might want to check out these 40 Astounding Paint Colors for Bedrooms, 40 Breathtaking Paint Colors For Kitchens, and 30 Spectacular Paint Colors For Living Room!


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