The spine is the perfect spot for long and thin tattoos. For women, flowers are a popular choice for spine tattoo ideas.
Flower spine tattoo ideas are feminine without being too girly.
A tattoo along the length of your spine takes a certain nerve, and it’s not for everyone. Spine tattoos are also considered to be quite large, since they usually span from the top of the back to the bottom. Smaller flower spine tattoo ideas, though, can be shorter and cover just a small section of the spine
When looking for flower spine tattoo ideas, the sky is really the limit. Any flower can be tattooed down the length of the spine in almost any color. However, plants and flowers with vines are typically best, since they can follow the spine naturally.
Let’s take a look at some of the best and most beautiful flower spine tattoo ideas…
1. Red and Black Flower Spine Tattoo
The simple black vines on this flower spine tattoo contrast nicely with the bright red and black flowers.
2. Black Flower Outline Spine Tattoo
Although it’s a simple design, this black flower outline spine tattoo is absolutely stunning!
3. Fancy Black Flower Spine Tattoo
Another great example showing the beauty of black flower spine tattoo ideas.
4. Simple Outline Flower Spine Tattoo
A mix of different flowers in this flower spine tattoo makes it a little more interesting.
5. Flowers With Pointed Petals on Spine
Flowers with pointed petals look edgy and amazing running the full length of the spine!
6. Lotus Flower Spine Tattoo
Chinese writing pairs perfectly with a lotus flower spine tattoo.
7. Thorny Flower Spine Tattoo
Thorns in your flower spine tattoo give it a badass look!
8. Purple Violet Flower Spine Tattoo
Small purple violets and green leaves make a cute and colorful spine flower tattoo.
9. Short Blue Flower Spine Tattoo
Lovely blue flowers can make any back and spine more graceful and attractive.
10. Thorny Rose Spine Tattoo
The red rose os a gorgeous back tattoo, and the thorns running down the spine just complete it.
11. Virtual Rose Bud Vine Tattoo
This may be just a virtual tattoo, but it’s still an awesome flower spine tattoo idea!
12. Large Flowers Spine Tattoo
Larger flowers in your spine tattoo are all sorts of pretty!
13. Sunflower Spine Tattoo
You don’t really see sunflower tattoos very often, and I’m not sure why. Sun flower spine tattoo ideas such as this showcase the beauty of these blooms.
14. Delicate Cherry Blossom Spine Tattoo
Cherry blossom flower spine tattoo ideas are very popular, and for good reason. With their delicate pink flowers and powerful symbolism, they’re excellent tattoo ideas for women.
15. Large Cherry Blossom Spine Tattoo
If small cherry blossom flower spine tattoos are too dainty, this larger scale tattoo might be a better option.
16. Quote With Flower Spine Tattoo
A quote can be added to nearly all flower spine tattoo ideas for a more personal and meaningful touch.
17. Long Quote Flower Spine Tattoo
Longer quotes can also make great additions to longer flower spine tattoo ideas. This quote runs from the neck to the very bottom of the back, and it’s absolutely stunning!
18. Watercolor Flower Spine Tattoo
A lack of black outlines makes this watercolor flower tattoo on the spine really stand out.
19. Morning Glory Flower Vertebrae Tattoo
The vertebrae in this flower spine tattoo gives it a dark and macabre twist, which adds an interesting contrast to the feminine morning glory flowers.
20. Butterfly and Lily Spine Tattoo
A few added elements to flower spine tattoo ideas can sometimes make all the difference.
Flower spine tattoo ideas are definitely gorgeous, but there’s a price to pay when getting a tattoo on the spine. Many body art enthusiasts agree that the spine is one of the more painful spots to get inked. Of course, for the right flower spine tattoo, the pain really is a small price to pay.