20 Terrific Texas Tattoo Designs


They say everything’s bigger in Texas, and that’s certainly true for the pride that most Texans have for their homeland. So, it’s really no wonder why so many Texans—both men and women—choose to be inked with a Texas tattoo!

A Texas state tattoo is just one of those tattoos that’s almost instantly recognizable, making it a wise design for a Texas tattoo. The distinct shape of the state of Texas is unmistakable, even to some outside of the borders of the United States. Texas state tattoos range from simple black and white outlines of the state to colorful variations with the Texas state flag.

If you’re looking for the perfect state of Texas tattoo, check out the following tattoos for a little inspiration!

1. Behind the Ear Texas Tattoo

If you’re looking for a small Texas tattoo, a behind the ear state outline is a fantastic option!

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2. Circle Texas Brand Ankle Tattoo

A circle Texas state tattoo looks a little like a cattle brand, making it a unique and fun choice for Texas cowboys!

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3. Texas Foot Tattoo

Something tells me that her heart will always be in Dallas, Texas.

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4. Dallas, Texas Wrist Tattoo

A wrist tattoo is a fantastic way to to show your Texas pride, and the little red heart makes it a sweet state tattoo for women.

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5. Texas Home Tattoo

If Texas is forever your home, this Texas home tattoo would be the perfect choice!

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6. Lacy Texas Tattoo for Women

Texas ladies may prefer a more feminine lacy version of a Texas tattoo.

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7. Cute Texas Tattoo for Women

Another adorable Texas tattoo for women!

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8. Texas Flower Tattoo

Because even Texas tough girls like flowers!

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9. Stone Texas Memorial Tattoo

Everyone knows that Texans are tough as stone, and this memorial tattoo is a great way to stay strong and honor loved ones.

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10. Texas Tattoo

There’s no mistaking where this guy’s from!

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11. Texas Lone Star Tattoo

Texas is known as the Lone Star State, and this Texas flag tattoo is beautifully done!

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12. 3D Texas Flag Tattoo

Show your Texas pride with an awesome 3D Texas flag tattoo!

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13. Made in Texas Tattoo

A little TMI, but this Texas tattoo still has a nice sentiment.

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14. Texas Made Tattoo

Born and bred in Texas? Wear a Teas Made tattoo with pride!

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15. Texas Star Tattoo

Here’s a stunning take on a Texas Lone Star tattoo!

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16. Texas Landscape Tattoo

The Texas landscape is absolutely breathtaking, and it doesn’t look too shabby in a Texas tattoo either!

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17. Texas Shaped Tattoo

A creative and unique Texas tattoo design like this is sure to catch a few compliments!

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18. Don’t Mess With Texas Tattoo

Simple and to the point—don’t mess with Texas!

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19. Texas Skeleton Tattoo

If you’re looking for a little color in your Texas tattoo, here’s a stunning idea!

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20. Texas Deer Tattoo

For all of you Texas deer hunters, a Texas deer tattoo is ideal!

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If you’re from Texas and proud of it, there’s almost no reason not to get a Texas tattoo! Texas tattoos come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles, so there’s something for everyone. A talented tattoo artist can help you come up with an original Texas tattoo design that’s just right for you and your personal style!

If you loved these Texas tattoo design ideas, you might also want to check out these 25 Terrific Texas Tattoos, 30 Cool Rebel Flag Tattoos, and 20 Perfect Outlaw Tattoos!


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