Though they are typically geared more towards females, strawberry tattoo designs can be a treat to look at for everyone. In addition to being very creative and unique, they are also very colorful, allowing all who view them to really be impressed.
To prove just how great these designs can really be, we have created the list below. It is compiled of some truly amazing strawberry tattoo designs, that we are sure you will enjoy!
1. A Very Unique, And Very Vibrant Strawberry Ankle Tattoo
This one is not only very original, but it is also placed along the ankle, giving it a unique placement as well.

2. An Almost Three-Dimensional Strawberry Foot Tattoo
Much like the last design, this one is placed in a neat area (the foot) and is very well shaded, giving it an almost three-dimensional look! A great choice for those wanting to keep their tattoos hidden.

3. A Neat Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Forearm Tattoo Design
For those who love their fruit dipped in chocolate, this is certainly the tattoo for you!

4. A Colorful Strawberry Neck Tattoo For Women
A great choice for any women wanting an upper back or lower neck tattoo. As you can see in the photo, the strawberry is even wrapped in a worm.

5. A Very Vibrant, And Also Very Detailed Strawberry Forearm Tattoo Design
Not only is this one done very well, but it is perhaps the most realistic looking strawberry on the entire list!

6. An Overly Simplistic Strawberry Ankle Tattoo, With A Face
For those who enjoy funny, cartoony tattoos, this design is certainly a great choice. Since it is placed along the ankle, it can also be very easily hidden in necessary.

7. A Realistic Strawberry Tattoo Design, That Covers Almost The Entire Foot
For anyone wanting to cover the vast majority of their foot with a fruit-based tattoo, this is perhaps the perfect choice…

8. A String Of Strawberries, Placed Along The Upper Back
Done in a horizontal fashion, this tattoo fits perfectly along the upper back, chest, or waist.

9. A Very Ripe Strawberry With A Knife Going Through It
Well, to be honest, I can’t tell if this person loves strawberries or hates them. Nonetheless, it is certainly a great tattoo.

10. Matching Strawberries On Both Feet
Whether you’re a couple wanting to get a tattoo together, or just someone who really likes strawberry foot tattoos, these matching designs should certainly be of interest.

11. A Mean-Looking Strawberry Upper Thigh Tattoo Design
Done in somewhat of a traditional tattooing style and placed along the upper thigh, this design certainly sticks out well. It also is very unique, due to the sword-crossed bananas at the bottom.

12. Two Sparkling Strawberries, One On Either Foot
Another great strawberry foot tattoo, this one done with some sparkling ink. Certainly a great choice for anyone wanting their tattoos to really stick out well!

13. A Smiling, Cartoony Strawberry, With Flowers And A Rainbow In The Background
Not only is this perhaps the most creative strawberry tattoo design on the entire list, but it is also perhaps the most well done too. Even though it is cartoony, it is incredibly bold and very well outlined.

14. A Nice Strawberry Sitting On Top Of An Amazing Looking Cake!
This one was done so nicely, that it is actually making me pretty hungry. No joke!