Though penguins may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a neat tattoo design, they happen to be rather popular. In fact, a lot of people (even those not located in the arctic) have penguins tattooed on them, and they seem to only be getting trendier. So, whether you’re someone who likes penguins, or you’re just looking for some neat tattoos to look at, the list below should certainly be of interest!
1. Two Adorable Penguins
Not only a great tattoo design idea for those interested in penguins, but for those in a relationship as well!

2. Another Great Penguin Tattoo Design Idea For Couples
This one isn’t as cartoonish as the preceding image, but it is definitely a little more romantic and realistic since the penguins seem to be holding hands.

3. An Amazingly Well Done Watercolored Penguin Tattoo
Not only is this design very bright and colorful, but it is also very meaningful – featuring a mother penguin kissing her small child!

4. An Adorable Blue Penguin, Listening To Some Music On His Headphones
Considering the fact that most penguin tattoos have nothing to do with music or headphones, this design is certainly very unique!

5. A Very Realistic Penguin, Above A Small Purple Flower
For those who cater more towards realistic designs when getting tattooed, the image below should certainly be of interest!

6. An Angry Penguin That Is Literally “Ice Cold”
Likely used to symbolize his cold-hearted attitude, this design features a rather angry looking penguin carrying a scythe.

7. A Very Cool Upper Leg Penguin Tattoo Design For Girls
Featuring a cool snowboarding penguin, this upper leg tattoo not only looks great, but is also very original! And as you can see, this girl even has the shirt to match!

8. A Frustrated Penguin, Coming Out Of The Ice And Wearing A Winter Hat
Well to be honest, if I was that cold all of the time, I would be pretty frustrated too! Wouldn’t you be?

9. A Freddy Krueger Penguin
A great choice for those who are fans of both penguins and horror movies!

10. A Cute Little Penguin, Standing On A Small Block Of Ice
Featuring an adorably round little penguin, this design is as cute as it is well done!

11. An Awkwardly Tall And Skinny Penguin, Done In A Very Artistic Tattooing Style
This one may not be too cute or realistic looking, but it is certainly unique and creative!

12. Some Very Cute Black And Silver Penguin Wrist Tattoos That Match
Very appealing, and certainly a great choice for anyone wanting something small and rather subtle.