11 Turbo Tattoos That Car Guys Will Fall In Love With


Though they may not appeal to everyone, or even the vast majority of people for that matter, turbo tattoos are certainly a hit with those who enjoy customizing cars. In addition to making their “need for speed” known to the world, turbo tattoos also serve as a reminder, of just how much their car means to them.

To show our readers just how neat turbo tattoos really are, while also giving all of the car-guy’s a platform of ideas to choose from, we have created the list below. And fortunately, whether you are a fan of turbo engines or not, due to the high amount of detail and well done shading that can be found in most the designs we’ve listed, you should certainly enjoy looking through them!

1. A Very Nice Turbo Heat Chest Tattoo

Not only is this one very unique, but it is also very realistic!

A Very Nice Turbo Heat Chest Tattoo

2. An Amazing Smoke Turbo Hand Tattoo

Although turbo hand tattoos are not very common, this one looks great and the smoke certainly adds a lot of uniqueness to the design.

An Amazing Smoke Turbo Hand Tattoo

3. A Black And Red Turbo Upper Arm Tattoo

A great turbo design, with some nice coloring as well.

A Black And Red Turbo Upper Arm Tattoo

4. Another Nice Turbo Chest Tattoo

Much like the other chest tattoo listed, this one appears to be ripping right through the person’s skin.

Another Nice Turbo Chest Tattoo

5. A Skeleton’s Head, With A Turbo Attached To It

Another very unique design, this one featuring a skeleton with a turbo attached to the side of his skull.

A Skeleton’s Head, With A Turbo Attached To It

6. A Brightly Colored Turbo Half Sleeve Tattoo

In addition to the wonderful color found within this design, there is also a lot of well done shading and attention to detail!

A Brightly Colored Turbo Half Sleeve Tattoo

7. A Traditionally Done Turbo Tattoo Design

Though most car guys don’t have their tattoos done in a traditional style, this one looks incredible!

A Traditionally Done Turbo Tattoo Design

8. A Cartoony Snail With A Turbo

Well, thats one way to make a snail move around quickly!

A Cartoony Snail With A Turbo

9. An Extremely Colorful Turbo Shoulder Tattoo

Done in orange, green, and red, this design certainly sticks out well!

An Extremely Colorful Turbo Shoulder Tattoo

10. An Inner Bicep Turbo Heart Tattoo

Looking similar to a human heart, this tattoo likely represents the person’s love for turbo engines!

An Inner Bicep Turbo Heart Tattoo

11. Another Well Done Heart-Like Turbo Design

This one featuring two separate turbos, intertwined into the shape of a heart!

Another Well Done Heart-Like Turbo Design


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