11 Marvelous Miss Piggy Tattoos


For those of you familiar with the Muppets, you know that Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy are supposed to be in love. Now how a frog and pig can be in love has always been a mystery, but the idea of them being a couple is a cute one. Let’s face it, Miss Piggy has a bad temper, and only her gentle “Kermie” is the only one that can keep her nice and calm. Because of her personality, Miss Piggy is loved by all. Ever seen a Miss Piggy tattoo? Well you are about to if you keep reading!

Miss Piggy is both strong, but beautiful too, and her fame has inspired a lot of women to get a tattoo of the famous pig on their bodies. To show you just how much people love Miss Piggy, and get a tattoo of her, we have found these 11 Marvelous Miss Piggy Tattoos. Enough of our rambling though because these tattoos come in every shape and size. Are you ready to check out the list of Miss Piggy tattoos? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now.

Black and White Miss Piggy Tattoo

Miss Piggy is known for wearing dresses, but she is also known for a more casual side, and this tattoo shows it!

Black and White Miss Piggy TattooBlack and White Miss Piggy Tattoo

Miss Piggy Mona Lisa Colored Tattoo

One thing about Miss Piggy is the fact people have designed tattoos with her in them in a number of different ways. Here is a great tattoo of Miss Piggy looking like the famous Mona Lisa painting.

Miss Piggy Mona Lisa Colored TattooMiss Piggy Mona Lisa Colored Tattoo

Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog Tattoo

Oh my how adorable is this tattoo of Miss Piggy and her precious Kermie? They are the cutest couple in the world!

Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog TattooMiss Piggy and Kermit the Frog Tattoo

Miss Piggy with Pink Hair Tattoo

Here we see a soft and feminine looking Miss Piggy with her big blue eyes and lots of purple eye shadow!

Miss Piggy with Pink Hair TattooMiss Piggy with Pink Hair Tattoo

Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog Formal Wear Tattoo

Wow Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog look great in their fancy clothes and check out that lovely pink dress Miss Piggy is wearing!

Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog Formal Wear TattooMiss Piggy and Kermit the Frog Formal Wear Tattoo

Baby Miss Piggy Tattoo

Aww how adorable is Miss Piggy as a baby? The baby Miss Piggy is from the Muppet Babies cartoon, and she was so cute with her blond hair and pink dress.

Baby Miss Piggy TattooBaby Miss Piggy Tattoo

Modern Miss Piggy Tattoo with Blank Tank Top and Jewelry

Here is a gorgeous modern Miss Piggy wearing cool clothes and sporting lots of jewelry!

Modern Miss Piggy Tattoo with Blank Tank Top and JewelryModern Miss Piggy Tattoo with Blank Tank Top and Jewelry

Beauty Without Expression Miss Piggy Tattoo

This tattoo of Miss Piggy talks about beauty and expression, and who better to talk about that than Miss Piggy?

Beauty Without Expression Miss Piggy TattooBeauty Without Expression Miss Piggy Tattoo

Miss Piggy Dark Hair and Hat Tattoo

Here we see Miss Piggy looking more urban with dark straight hair and a hat on her head. What do you all think of this tattoo?

Miss Piggy Dark Hair and Hat TattooMiss Piggy Dark Hair and Hat Tattoo

Miss Piggy with Skull Hat

This tattoo of Miss Piggy is very unusual because she has on a skull hat, which gives her a little bit of a gothic look.

Miss Piggy with Skull HatMiss Piggy with Skull Hat

Miss Piggy Wearing Uniform Tattoo

Who knew that Miss Piggy could look so cool and cute wearing a uniform? This is a great tattoo for people in the service or any other career with a uniform!

Miss Piggy Wearing Uniform TattooMiss Piggy Wearing Uniform Tattoo

So, were we right about how awesome Miss Piggy is in tattoo form? Did these tattoos surprise or impress you? If you have anything to say about Miss Piggy, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list, we have links to even more lists below of just about anything. All you have to do is click one link, and you’ll be on a new page (and exciting list) in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started right now!

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