11 Frightening Frankenstein Tattoos


Frankenstein started out as a book written back in the 1800s, and believe it or not, one of the most terrifying movie monsters in the world was originally created by a woman. The first Frankenstein movie came out in the 1930s, and even with its simple plot, the movie scarred people badly. Since the 1930s, there have been dozens of movies involving Frankenstein, and it is still a popular movie monster to this day. Some people love the monster so much they get a tattoo of Frankenstein.

We have searched everywhere and found 11 Frightening Frankenstein Tattoos, and we know that you all are going to appreciate all the different, and unique ways, that this movie monster has been portrayed in tattoo ink. Okay, enough of our rambling because it is time to check out the tattoos of Frankenstein. If you are all ready to see the Frankenstein tattoos, you can go ahead and scroll down now.

Black Ink Frankenstein Tattoo

This tattoo looks just like the original Frankenstein that came out in the 1930s, it’s got quite a face does it not?

Black Ink Frankenstein TattooBlack Ink Frankenstein Tattoo

Black Ink Tattoo of Frankenstein, the Bride, and Castle

In another movie, Frankenstein had a bride, and this tattoo shows Frankenstein, his lovely lady love, and the castle they were both created in.

Black Ink Tattoo of Frankenstein, the Bride, and CastleBlack Ink Tattoo of Frankenstein, the Bride, and Castle

Green Colored Frankenstein Arm Tattoo

The first Frankenstein movie was in black and white, so no one knew until much later that the monster actually had green skin, and this tattoo shows how the monster looked originally in color.

Green Colored Frankenstein Arm TattooGreen Colored Frankenstein Arm Tattoo

Cartoon Colored Frankenstein with Yellow Lightning Bolts and Garland

Imagine Frankenstein as a cartoon? This tattoo shows Frankenstein as a colored cartoon character, and with two yellow lightning bolts and garland around it.

Cartoon Colored Frankenstein with Yellow Lightning Bolts and GarlandCartoon Colored Frankenstein with Yellow Lightning Bolts and Garland

3D Looking Frankenstein Tattoo In Color

The tattoo artist that did this amazing Frankenstein tattoo did it in such a way that gives it an amazing 3D appearance, and it looks like the monster is about to come right off of the surface of the skin.

3D Looking Frankenstein Tattoo In Color3D Looking Frankenstein Tattoo In Color

Green Herman Munster Frankenstein Tattoo

Frankenstein came to television in the form of Herman Munster, a character from the TV show, the Munsters, and this tattoo shows him with a great big smile on his face!

Green Herman Munster Frankenstein TattooGreen Herman Munster Frankenstein Tattoo

Black Ink Frankenstein Tattoo Outline with Red Background

Some people like outline tattoos rather than have a filled in one, and this outline tattoo is of Frankenstein, but there is a bit of red put in the background, which makes the tattoo really stand out.

Black Ink Frankenstein Tattoo Outline with Red BackgroundBlack Ink Frankenstein Tattoo Outline with Red Background

Frankenstein and His Bride Back Tattoo

The tattoo artist that did this tattoo should get a lot of credit because this back tattoo of Frankenstein, and his bride, looks like a strip of film from one of the movies they did together!

Frankenstein and His Bride Back TattooFrankenstein and His Bride Back Tattoo

Cartoon Colored Frankenstein with Green Face and Black Neck Bolts

Here is another fine example of a Frankenstein depicted as a cartoon character, and this tattoo even has neck bolts to go along with its scary green face!

Cartoon Colored Frankenstein with Green Face and Black Neck BoltsCartoon Colored Frankenstein with Green Face and Black Neck Bolts

Green Faced Frankenstein with Black and White Checkered Shirt

Why not put Frankenstein in some clothing? This tattoo is a fine example of Frankenstein wearing a shirt!

Green Faced Frankenstein with Black and White Checkered ShirtGreen Faced Frankenstein with Black and White Checkered Shirt

Cartoon Frankenstein and the Bride Wearing Clothes

This adorable tattoo shows Frankenstein, and his wife, depicted as cartoon characters, but they are so cute with their clothing and green skin!

Cartoon Frankenstein and the Bride Wearing ClothesCartoon Frankenstein and the Bride Wearing Clothes

So, what did you all think of the Frankenstein tattoos? Did these tattoos leave an impression on you? If they did, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list of tattoos, we have links to even more lists below of different other things. All you have to do is click one and you’ll be on a new page. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started looking at other lists!

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