In addition to being very funny, burn memes are also one of the internet’s most searched topics. In fact, throughout 2017 alone, thousands of burn memes have been searched for, and with more of them coming out on a daily basis, one can only wonder why we haven’t made a list for them yet. So, without any further ado, here are the top 10 burn memes of 2017!
1. “Breaking News…You Just Got Burned”
Very straightforward and to the point, yet also very funny!
2. “They Said My Hair Was On Fire…I Said So Was Their House”
A very literal type of “burn” is used in this meme…
3. “What Do You Call A Person Who Keeps On Talking When People Are No Longer Interested?…A Teacher.”
A great burn, directed specifically at school teachers!
4. “Asked Teacher What I Should Draw, She Said Bigfoot…Asked Her To Stand Still”
Another great burn directed at a school teacher!
5. “Get Some Ice For That Burn Ahhh…Huh”
Believe it or not, this woman is actually found on most of the top viewed burn memes online.
6. “To All The Girls That Say Gentlemen Don’t Exist Anymore: They Do Exist, But Gentlemen Are Attracted To Ladies. Not Sluts. Sorry.”
Coming from “Fill Werrell” himself, this is perhaps the most incredible burn on the entire list!
7. “Ohhhhhhhhh!!!! Burrrrrnnnnnnnn!!!”
Another very straight to the point burn meme, except, this one features an evil squirrel!
8. “Yep…Thats A Burn.”
Even this sweet little old lady can tell a burn when she sees one!
9. “Were You Born On A Highway? Because That’s Where Most Accidents Happen.”
Ouch! Another great burn made by Will Ferrell!
10. “Read A Dr. Suess Book All The Way To The End, Then Call Me”
A very epic burn, seen by the whole world, from Ronda Rousey to Floyd Mayweather!