The Internet’s 14 Cutest Squirrel Memes


Since most people just see squirrels running through their yards, they never realize how adorable and funny they really are. But fortunately, there are a lot of squirrel-based memes online (like the ones below) to help people see the best their features.

1. “Every Time The Waiter Checks On My Table”

This actually happens to me a lot too, does anyone else seem to have this issue??

“Every Time The Waiter Checks On My Table”

2. “On The Internet, Nobody Knows You’re A Ground Squirrel”

Perhaps this is what a “troll” squirrel looks like…?

“On The Internet, Nobody Knows You’re A Ground Squirrel”

3. “Whatcha Thinkin’ About? Nothin’ Just Bear Stuffs”

An adorable conversation between a bear and his little squirrel friend!

“Whatcha Thinkin’ About? Nothin’ Just Bear Stuffs”

4. “Hey I Just Met You, And This Is Crazy, But I Just Bit You, Now You Have Rabies”

This cartoon squirrel is definitely adorable, regardless of the rabies…

“Hey I Just Met You, And This Is Crazy, But I Just Bit You, Now You Have Rabies”

5. “So The White Squirrel Makes The Front Page…RACISTS”

So, apparently racist squirrels still exist…what a shame…

“So The White Squirrel Makes The Front Page…RACISTS”

6. “Your Opinion Is Nuts”

His arms are folded just like a human, what a perfectly timed squirrel photo!

“Your Opinion Is Nuts”

7. “Squirrels Are Actually Very Kind To Each Other And Will Adopt Abandoned Baby Squirrels If They Notice A Relative Has Not Come Back For Them.”

How sweet of them – perhaps humans should take some lessons from these huge-hearted squirrels!

“Squirrels Are Actually Very Kind To Each Other And Will Adopt Abandoned Baby Squirrels If They Notice A Relative Has Not Come Back For Them.”

8. “Oh So You’re Trying To Hunt? Let Me Make It Sound Like A Deer Is Walking Behind You”

Well, hopefully this poor little guy doesn’t accidentally get himself shot!

“Oh So You’re Trying To Hunt? Let Me Make It Sound Like A Deer Is Walking Behind You”

9. “To Catch The Squirrel – You Must Become The Squirrel”

Who knows, maybe he can get away with it!

“To Catch The Squirrel – You Must Become The Squirrel”

10. “What? No More Friend Foods At GBC? I Won’t Make It Through Winter Without Them”

Sometimes, certain squirrels get spoiled and require friend foods from GBC, as opposed to nuts…

“What? No More Fried Foods At GBC? I Won’t Make It Through Winter Without Them”

11. “After This, Let’s Mess With That Hunter Behind His Stand”

Another very well timed and very adorable squirrel photo! The one on the left looks incredibly angry!

“After This, Let’s Mess With That Hunter Behind His Stand”

12. “I Get Tired From Just Thinking Of Everything I Have To Do.”

He must be one busy squirrel, just look at how tired he looks in the picture!

“I Get Tired From Just Thinking Of Everything I Have To Do.”

13. “And She Thinks I Came For The Nuts”

What a stud!

“And She Thinks I Came For The Nuts”

14. “Squirrel Norris Will Kick You In The Nuts”

This guy must be Squirrel Norris!

“Squirrel Norris Will Kick You In The Nuts”



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