At first glance, you may not think this article will be very funny. Tree memes? How can I laugh at those? Well, to be honest, tree memes are becoming increasingly popular, and you just might be surprised at how funny you think they are! They are indeed simple, however, the photo editing, captions, and titles used in these memes really help them out. So, whether you’re wanting to chuckle, or just wanting to look at some neat memes, be sure to check out the list below!
1. “Go Home Trees, You’re Drunk”
I am not too sure exactly where these trees are located, but believe it or not, they are in fact real, and are shaped exactly like the picture shows (year round).

2. “Junk In The Trunk”
Very funny, and perhaps the most literal meaning of “junk in the trunk”…

3. “Tree Stop That – No, I Must Dance”
Much like with the picture above, you may think this one is fake. However, I can certainly assure you that it is not. The tree you see in that funny meme below, is 100% real!

4. “Judging Tree Is Judging You”
This tree does certainly look like it’s judging you. I mean, is it even possible to look at it and think anything else?

5. A Very Funny, Very Weird, And Very Complex Tree…
There are so many captions that could be made here…I honestly don’t even know where to start. Wow!

6. “I Always See The Shadiest People Sitting Under Trees”
This is not only very funny, but also very true…

7. “Wife Said: Go Buy A Christmas Tree, And A Tree Stand. And Now She Looks All Mad For Some Reason.”
Wow, how funny! I don’t see a problem either! Do you?

8. “Come With Me If You Want To Live”
Well, come to think of it, trees to tend to live quite long lives…

9. “Hey There, Wanna Leaf Me Your Number?”
Wow, this tree seems like a pretty smooth guy!