The 17 Best Pictures Of Aphrodite

Aphrodite In The Sky

Often referred as “Venus” by the Romans, and considered by many to be the God of love, Aphrodite is indeed a household name. Though some question the validity behind her spoken of existence and others deny it completely, Aphrodite sure has some great photos, more than worthy of being showcased. In order to backup this claims and properly display just how gracious, beautiful, and monumental she was, we have put together a list of 17 Aphrodite photos that are sure to grab your attention!

1. A Very Young, and Very Beautiful Aphrodite

Featured in Percy Jackson’s Greek God’s, this is a very well done portrait of the young God of love.

A Very Young, and Very Beautiful Aphrodite

 2. An Older Face Shot Of The Goddess

Though it may be just a face shot, this is one of the more popular Aphrodite photos.

An Older Face Shot Of The Goddess

3. A Dark Haired Aphrodite

According to the artist – the brown hair featured in this photo helps show that Aphrodite had a dark side, and wasn’t always as sweet as everyone thought she was.

A Dark Haired Aphrodite

4. Aphrodite Callipygos

Another very nice Aphrodite photo – done by an unknown artist. To add some originality to this one, the artist has her in the woods, hanging out with a butterfly.

Aphrodite Callipygos

5. A Very Old Aphrodite Picture

A rather old art piece of Aphrodite laying out on a rock at the beach.

A Very Old Aphrodite Picture

6. The Aphrodite Statue

A very nice photo of the Aphrodite statue – which many consider to be an eternal source of inspiration.

The Aphrodite Statue

7. An Aphrodite Gaming Character

Aphrodite was so popular, that she even found her way into a video game!

An Aphrodite Gaming Character

8. Aphrodite and Psyche

Another great Aphrodite statue – this time featuring her alongside the “cupid” named Psyche.

Aphrodite and Psyche

9. Aphrodite and Ares

Aphrodite and Ares, amongst (what appears to be) many other men, women, Gods, and Goddesses.

Aphrodite and Ares

10. Aphrodite, Ares, and Their Four Little Children

What a lovely family photo!

Aphrodite, Ares, and Their Four Little Children

11. A Vintage Straight Faced Aphrodite

Though photos of Aphrodite during this time period rarely feature her smiling, it is said that men could not resist her.

A Vintage Straight Faced Aphrodite

12. Aphrodite In The Water

Not only does this rare photo feature Aphrodite in the water, but it also features a ladder holding her up, and a tree growing out of her head!

Aphrodite In The Water

13. Aphrodite As An Angel

Another rare photo of the Goddess – this one featuring her as an angel, flying with the birds.

Aphrodite As An Angel

14. Aphrodite In The Waves

Not only is Aphrodite in the waves, but she appears to be rather attached to them – just look at the bottom of her dress.

Aphrodite In The Waves

15. Animated Aphrodite

Another very nice animated photo of love’s true Goddess.

Animated Aphrodite

16. A Very Realistic Dark Haired Aphrodite

Though this is in fact an art piece, it looks incredibly realistic!

A Very Realistic Dark Haired Aphrodite

17. Aphrodite In The Sky

In this realistic picture of the Goddess, she appears to be holding up a torch, and lighting up the sky.

Aphrodite In The Sky


Though many people disagree on the actual existence, history, and story of the God of love, I’m sure we can all agree that the above images are great. And due to the high amount of popularity associated with her name, there are many more photos online, all done by different artists around the world. So, if you like what you saw here, feel free to check out some more online!


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