Home Ingenious Design Ideas 16 Great Claddagh Tattoos

16 Great Claddagh Tattoos

Beautiful Claddagh Tattoo

Beloved by not only Irish people, but by individuals of all nationalities, Claddagh designs are a great choice for those in seek of a meaningful tattoo. Claddagh tattoos were originally used to symbolize love, marriage, and friendship, however, they have since been used to symbolize loyalty, as well as pride. Though the basic Claddagh design consists of a heart with hands on either side of it, there are many different Claddagh variations that can be implemented, and many different tattoo styles that they can be done in. In an attempt to display just how versatile these tattoos can be, and just how many different Claddagh styles there are, we have created the list below.

1. A Nice Claddagh Shoulder Tattoo, With An Irish Quote

Not sure exactly what the quote translates to, however, it does add some originality to this very well done Claddagh tattoo.

A Nice Claddagh Shoulder Tattoo, With An Irish Quote

2. This Neat Claddagh Back Tattoo

Proven by the design below, not a lot of additional imagery, color, or shading needs to be included for a tattoo to look great.

This Neat Claddagh Back Tattoo

3. A Rather Colorful Claddagh Tattoo For Women

Sitting right below the chest, this colorful claddagh tattoo can be easily hidden, and is also very unique.

A Rather Colorful Claddagh Tattoo For Women

4. A Simple Claddagh Forearm Tattoo

It may not have much detail to it, however, it is a very nice design that certainly sticks out well.

A Simple Claddagh Forearm Tattoo

5. Claddagh Side Tattoo, With An Irish Clover

The Irish clover and overall shape makes this side tattoo a little different than most Claddagh designs.

Claddagh Side Tattoo, With An Irish Clover

6. A Full Claddagh Chest Piece Tattoo For Men

Serving as perhaps the most original and highly detailed design on the list, this Claddagh chest piece is extremely eye-catching, and incredibly unique.

A Full Claddagh Chest Piece Tattoo For Men

7. A Small Green Claddagh Tattoo For Women

It may be barely noticeable from a distance, but it definitely looks nice up close. This specific design is used to represent love, loyalty, and friendship.

A Small Green Claddagh Tattoo For Women

8. A Black Ink Celtic Claddagh Tattoo

As seen below, another great way to add some originality to your Claddagh tattoo is by incorporating your name.

A Black Ink Celtic Claddagh Tattoo

9. Radiant Claddagh Tattoo

This radiant design is very bright, and certainly sticks out well!

Radiant Claddagh Tattoo

10. Old-School Claddagh Upper Arm Tattoo Design For Males

Very bold, and certainly a great choice for fans of the traditional tattooing style.

Old-School Upper Arm Tattoo Design For Males

11. A Very Realistic, and Beautifully Colored Claddagh Tattoo Design For Women

Due to the amazing shading and intricate detail of this design, it almost appears to be 3d!

A Very Realistic, and Beautifully Colored Claddagh Tattoo Design For Women

12. A Blue Crown and Red Heart Claddagh Foot Tattoo

Much like the tattoo above, this Claddagh design is very well colored, very well shaded, and very noticeable.

A Blue Crown and Red Heart Claddagh Foot Tattoo

13. Claddagh Wedding Rings

A perfect example of how Claddagh tattoos can be used to symbolize love!

Claddagh Wedding Rings

14. A Small Irish Wrist Claddagh

With only a heart and crown needed, this small design is perfect for the wrist, as well as for those weary of getting their first tattoo.

A Small Irish Wrist Claddagh

15. A Green Ink Celtic Claddagh Back Tattoo

Though it may look dark, this tattoo design was done entirely in green ink. The Claddagh hands circling around the cross also make for a rather unique design.

A Green Ink Celtic Claddagh Back Tattoo

16. A Claddagh Tattoo With Creepy Green Hands

A rather creepy way to represent love..

A Claddagh Tattoo With Creepy Green Hands



Thanks to the many different Claddagh variations there are, and the many different nationalities that wear them, these designs can be worn by just about anyone. Additionally, since the meaning of these designs has evolved from just love and marriage, to love, loyalty, and pride, they are even great for those without a partner. Whether you plan on getting a Claddagh tattoo yourself, or simply wanted to look at some neat designs, we certainly hope the list above was helpful!



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