Though they have a reputation for being unhealthy and fattening, cookies taste great and are something that everyone has a difficult time staying away from. In addition to the many different cookie flavors that exist today, there are also many different cookie memes, based around the difficulties we face when trying to avoid eating them. So, in order to bring some of the best cookie memes to light, while also showcasing the creativity of those who create them, we have created the list below. And whether you are on a healthy diet or not, you should certainly enjoy it!
1. A Nice “You Get A Cookie” Oprah Meme
A funny Oprah meme, that would certainly be great if it were true!

2. “Yeah, If You’d Stop Me From Eating All The Cookies, That Would Be Great.”
Like I said, avoiding eating cookies is incredibly difficult…

3.”Tracking My Cookies? They Will Never Get My Recipe!”
A lonely old Grandmother, keeping her secret cookie recipe hidden from the public!

4. “I Don’t Always Eat Cookies, But When I Do, C Is The Letter Of The Day”
As you may have imagined, the cookie monster appears in quite a few of these cookie memes…

5. “Here Is A Cookie For Your Accomplishment”
A reward that everyone in the world is happy to receive!

6. “Give That Man A Cookie, And Help Him Putin His Mouth Too”
Even Vladimir Putin is included on some of these cookie memes!

7. “You’re On A Diet? Not Any More”
If these things are in front of you, then good luck maintaining your diet…

8. “Girl Scout Cookies Are Here…Yes!!!”
In all honesty, girl scouts are one of the best kinds of cookies!

9. “I’ll Have You Know, I Ate An Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Instead Of Chocolate Chip, And I Only Cried For 20 Minutes”
As good as cookies are, everyone hates mistaking an oatmeal raisin for a chocolate chip…

10. “Gemmie Da Cookie”
An adorable dog, doing everything he can to get that cookie…

11. “Best Cookie Ever!!!!!”
A very straightforward, yet very realistically relatable meme.

12. “Oh Hell No Liz, You Ain’t Getting My Cookie”
A young girl, running away from her friend to keep her cookie safe!

13. “I Need To Go On A Diet! Oh Look A Cookie!”
Something that I’m sure everyone reading this list can relate to…right?

14. “I Came To Bake Cookies And Kill People, And I’m All Out Of Cookies”
Very funny, and perhaps the most terrifying meme on the entire list. Someone better get her some cookies, fast!