12 Pig Memes, Sure To Put A Smile On Your Face


They may have gotten a bad rap for how much they roll around in the mud, but pigs sure make for some pretty hilarious memes. In addition to the funny faces many of them are making in most of the images, there are also a lot of pig related puns, sure to have anyone laughing. To showcase some of the best pig memes we could find, we made the list below!

1. “Have A Nice Day – Oink Oink”

Perhaps the nicest pig on the entire internet!

“Have A Nice Day – Oink Oink”

2. “Business Pig Brings Home The Bacon”

Both figuratively and literally!

“Business Pig Brings Home The Bacon”

3. “I Turn Vegetables Into Bacon – What’s Your Superpower?”

This pig is not only cute, but he makes a pretty valid point…

“I Turn Vegetables Into Bacon – What’s Your Superpower?”

4. “Stop, I’m One Of You”

A meme that most cops certainly won’t find as funny as we do…

“Stop, I’m One Of You”

5. “I Googled Badass Pig – I Feel Disappointed”

To be honest, he really doesn’t look too “badass” at all…

“I Googled Badass Pig – I Feel Disappointed”

6. “Hello, I’m Chris P. Bacon”

Chris P. Bacon…what a creative pig name!

“Hello, I’m Chris P. Bacon”

7. “How To Make A Bacon Cheeseburger.”

Not the actual recipe, but still pretty funny…

“How To Make A Bacon Cheeseburger.”

8. “Where Do You Buy Those Boots?”

To be honest, where the boots were bought was probably the last thing I was thinking of when viewing this picture, but now I’m curious!

“Where Do You Buy Those Boots?”

9. “Remember Peppa Pig? This Is Her Now, Feel Old Yet?”

If she was an actual pig, this meme would be entirely true…

“Remember Peppa Pig? This Is Her Now, Feel Old Yet?”

10. “Wanna Hear The Most Annoying Sound In The World??? Wee Wee Weeeee!”

Who remembers this very adorable (and somewhat annoying) Geico commercial???

“Wanna Hear The Most Annoying Sound In The World??? Wee Wee Weeeee!”

11. “What Did You Expect? I’m A Pig!”

Well, that is true…

“What Did You Expect? I’m A Pig!”

12. “Was That The Refrigerator?”

To be honest, this may be perhaps the most adorable meme on the internet!

“Was That The Refrigerator?”


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