Let’s face it, unless you are incredibly gifted, math is a difficult class. And despite most students’ underlying hatred for it, just about every school on the planet requires it to be passed yearly. This may not be something students want to hear, but, standard math classes are getting more complex, and most schools’ expectations are rising as well. So, instead of dwelling on how terrible the subject is or wondering how you are going to finish the homework, why not look through some truthful, yet relatable memes, sure to help you cope with your situation?
1. “I’m Still Waiting For The Day That I Will Actually Use Math In Real Life”
Well, unless you’re a pretty advanced math teacher, it’s unlikely that you’ll use complex equations like the ones in the image below…

2. “How I See Math Word Problem: If You Have 4 Pencils And I Have 7 Apples, How Many Pancakes Will Fit On The Roof? Purple, Because Aliens Don’t Wear Hats.”
Some people actually do see math problems like this…

3. “Math Problem: John Has 32 Candy Bars. He Eats 28. What Does He Have Now? Diabetes. John Has Diabetes”
In all honesty, no one considers that to be an actual answer, but it is probably true…

4. “I’m Right 98% Of The Time. The Other 3% Is When I Have To Solve Math Problems.”
A very truthful statement, that I’m sure many people can unfortunately relate to…

5. “There Are 3 Kinds Of People In This World. Those Who Are Good At Math, And Those Who Aren’t.”
I have a feeling the person who made this meme falls into the “people who aren’t good at math” category…

6. “I Used To Be Good At Math. Until They Started Putting The Alphabet Into The Equation.”
That’s about the time that I started trailing off too…

7. “Dear Math, I Am Sick And Tired Of Finding Your X. Just Accept The Fact That She Is Gone. Move On, Dude.”
Yet another very funny and creative way of looking at certain math equations!

8. “Dear Math, Please Grow Up And Solve Your Own Problems, I’m Tired Of Solving Them For You.”
I think we all are!

9. “Some Of The Greatest Ideas Of All Time Have Come To People During Math Class…None Of Which Had Anything To Do With Math.”
Very true, and perhaps the best thing about math class!

10. “Why Is The Obtuse Triangle Upset? Because It’s Never Right”
Well, she isn’t wrong…

11. “That Moment When You Understand Something In Math Class: I Am The Smartest Man Alive!”
These moments don’t come around too often for most people, but when they do, they are certainly great!

12. “You Have To Be Odd To Be Number One”
Something that all of the odd people reading this should certainly appreciate!