12 Extremely Funny Weightlifting Memes

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Whether you are someone who spends a lot of time in the gym or not, you should certainly enjoy these memes. In addition to being very relatable for those who have engaged in weightlifting before, they are also very funny and should definitely make you laugh.

So, if you are ready to laugh at those who have failed miserably in the weight room, then sit back, relax, and keep on scrolling!

1. “Chill The F*** Out, I Got This”

Well, this little guy certainly gets an “A” for effort!

“Chill The F*** Out, I Got This”

2. “I Don’t Always Do Sit Ups, But When I Do, I Immediately Check In The Mirror To See If My Six Pack Has Arrived”

Not only is this one very funny, but it is also very true and should be relatable for most people who have done sit ups before!

“I Don’t Always Do Sit Ups, But When I Do, I Immediately Check In The Mirror To See If My Six Pack Has Arrived”

3. “Lifting Weights Makes Women Huge? False. Cupcakes Make Women Huge.”

A great weightlifting meme to laugh at (and also live by) for women who want to lose some extra, un-needed weight.

“Lifting Weights Makes Women Huge? False. Cupcakes Make Women Huge.”

4. “Suns Out. Guns Out. Stay Classy!”

This should be a funny one, especially for anyone who has seen Anchorman before…

“Suns Out. Guns Out. Stay Classy!”

5. “Do You Even Lift?”

I am assuming that the young boy in this picture most certainly does not…

“Do You Even Lift?”

6. “This Is Why Emergency Rooms Exist”

Whether you lift weights yourself or not, you can probably tell that this is a terrible, terrible idea…

“This Is Why Emergency Rooms Exist”

7. “It’s Weight Gaining Season Baby, Screw Cardio”

Definitely the more difficult season of the two, for both men and women… For bulking season its worth checking Mymixify.com to find solutions for more efficient results.

“It’s Weight Gaining Season Baby, Screw Cardio”

8. “When Someone Says, You’re A Girl, You Shouldn’t Be Lifting Heavy”

A great meme that should certainly be relatable for all the women who enjoy lifting weights!

“When Someone Says, You’re A Girl, You Shouldn’t Be Lifting Heavy”

9. “When The Weights You Used Last Week Are Way Too Light This Week.”

Well, to be honest, the image below is actually a very accurate representation of what this situation will make you feel like!

“When The Weights You Used Last Week Are Way Too Light This Week”

10. “Put Me In A Home, I Put You In The Ground”

Woah…well I certainly wouldn’t mess with her!

“Put Me In A Home, I Put You In The Ground”

11. “Your Oh Stop Face When Someone Notices The Gains”

Very funny, and perhaps the best part of weightlifting!

“Your Oh Stop Face When Someone Notices The Gains”

12. “No Squatting In The Texting Rack”

Well there are people who go to the gym to lift weights, and people who go to the gym to text…

“No Squatting In The Texting Rack”


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