11 Hilariously Badass Gangsta Memes


Whether you are from the hood yourself or not, its likely that you’ve found yourself laughing at (and also relating to) some of the “gangsta” memes that are online. In addition to being rather funny, these memes are certainly creative, playing off the irony of most people and their tough self image.

To properly show you what we mean by that last statement, we’ve compiled the list below, consisting of 11 hilariously badass gangsta memes, sure to make you laugh!

1. “Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta”

Believe it or not, even grandmothers can be “gangsta” sometimes…

“Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta”

2. “Nothing Says Gangsta Like A Hello Kitty Phone”

He might have wanted to get a different phone case before taking this picture…

“Nothing Says Gangsta Like A Hello Kitty Phone”

3. “Everyone’s A Gangster…Until A Gangster Walks In The Room”

Very funny…and also very true!

“Everyone’s A Gangster…Until A Gangster Walks In The Room”

4. “Well, Aren’t You Just A Little Internet Gangsta?”

Perhaps the worst type of “gangsta”…

“Well, Aren’t You Just A Little Internet Gangsta?”

5. Another Great “Damn, It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta” Meme

This one featuring former president Barack Obama!

Another Great “Damn, It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta” Meme

6. “So You Think You Are A Gangsta? Tell Me Again Why Your Mom Still Makes Your Bed”

Something that certainly disqualifies you from being a “gangsta”…

“So You Think You Are A Gangsta? Tell Me Again Why Your Mom Still Makes Your Bed”


7. “I’m So Gangsta, I’m Part Of The Bloods And The Crips”

I am pretty sure he most definitely is not…

“I’m So Gangsta, I’m Part Of The Bloods And The Crips”

8. “I Daresay, It Is Agreeable To My Constitution…To Be A Gangsta”

Perhaps the most gangsta individual of the 1800’s – a real OG.

“I Daresay, It Is Agreeable To My Constitution…To Be A Gangsta”

9. “I Spend A Lot Of Time With The Bloods And The Cribs”

Two very well-know rivals in the gang scene – the bloods and the “cribs”…

“I Spend A Lot Of Time With The Bloods And The Cribs”

10. “Raised In The Streets…Of A Gated Community”

Another meme that is not only funny, but also most likely true…

“Raised In The Streets…Of A Gated Community”

11. “Brags About Owning Several Firearms, In A Country Where It Is Legal To Own Several Firearms”

Wow, I never really thought about it like that before…but that is true – he really did do that! Certainly a very non-gangsta move by 50 cent.

“Brags About Owning Several Firearms, In A Country Where It IS Legal To Own Several Firearms”



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