30 Unbelievably Scary Illusions


All of us have gone through the roller coaster ride of thrill and adventure while watching a scary spectacle or movie. Despite knowing that our hearts would start pounding at a faster rate and we might be drained with sweat, the idea of getting scared always holds a sweet charm. Scare is indeed a fantastic emotion; the mind chases the limits it can endure with its will power and courage. Scary objects and pictures bring out the dark, wild fascinations and thoughts we harbor inside and that is why we adorn our homes and PC backgrounds with such pieces.

Scary illusions are also a part of the scare spectacle produced with tricky techniques and art. They elude, surprise, tease, trick and last but not the least scare us in a funny way. This is the unique style of scary illusions. They are different and set alarm in a unique way. You are afraid for a second and then puzzled or vice-verse. The experience is a good brain exercise as well. Here we have created an amazing collection of 30 scary illusions that will scare you lightly and tease you slightly. Aren‘t you feeling excited? We are sure you would be. So, get up and have a look.

Scary Jungle

A devilish skull has emerged out from the earth splattered with leaves shed during the lifeless autumn.

Scary Jungle

Scary Jungle

Shadow Or Ghost

The shadow of the beautiful woman falling on the grass gives the illusion of a ghost figure.

Lost Illusions

Lost Illusions

The Last Supper

The scary skull is looking delighted at the thought of devouring its victims having dinner together unaware of the danger that is about to come.

Dangerous Skull

Dangerous Skull

Child Eater

The father and mother trying to figure out hoe could they save their child from being fed into the monster’s mouth.

Scary Wolfy

Scary Wolfy

Illusion River

The flood ridden city roads with people stranded on wooden blocks present the grim picture of a calamity.

Skeleton Illusion River

Skeleton Illusion River

Sketches Hands

Separate sketches arranged in a fashion that give the illusion of a mysterious man spreading his hands and holding a lighter in one.

Sketches Hands

Sketches Hands

Dancing Illusion

A mythical spectacle with an old man’s face having legs of ballet dancers shaped up as neck.

Dancing Illusion

Dancing Illusion

Scary Kitty

The black, cat with her one eye flashing due to reflection looks frightening.

Scary Kitty

Scary Kitty

Scary Eye Illusion

The red eye tattoo at the back of the bald head with black tears dropping from it scares the onlookers.

Scary Eye Illusion

Scary Eye Illusion

Pit Bull

This one is a gruesome face tattoo with mouth painted from inside gives the impression of a devil mask.

Pit Bull

Pit Bull

Scary Optical Illusion Figure

The woman with the lamp moving towards the curtain looks like the face of a bearded wise, old man.

Scary Optical Illusions Figure

Scary Optical Illusions Figure

Scary Skull

A funny and scary picture of a laughing skeleton with blood on its skull and a broken red heart lying on a grave in a desolate place.

Scary Skull

Scary Skull

Mall Scary Illusion

Brilliant art work on the floor of a mall arouses fear and awe in the shoppers.

Mall Scary Illusions

Mall Scary Illusions

Childs Scary Eyes

A tiny and a large eye on the face of this kid project a fearsome image.

Childs Scary Eyes

Childs Scary Eyes

Cypress Illusions

The wavy branches of this leafless tree can trap anyone who passes under it.

Cypress Illusions

Cypress Illusions

Closed or Open

The lower eyelids look like the upper ones that have been closed and together create the impression of twin eyes in one face.

Eyelid Illusions

Eyelid Illusions

Scary Illusions

Look at the side of the grey riverside rock, it has the profile picture of a human face with mouth open looking at the eagle in amazement.

Scary Illusions

Scary Illusions

Scary Hand

Superb tattoo art on the hand of a girl looking like the face of a fierce eagle.

Scary Hand

Scary Hand

Helping Hand

An illusionary picture showing a pair of handcuffed hands with one helping a victim shaped up on another symbolises the spirit of service.

Aware Hand

Aware Hand

Four Eyes

This is a Flying Spaghetti Monster and is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Pastafarianism, a movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. Source: Wiki

Four Eyes

Four Eyes

Alive With Illusions

The bath tub filled with blood and the girl inside it looking alive and kicking presents a fearsome spectacle.

Alive With Illusions

Alive With Illusions

Magical Puzzle Of Illusions

This colorful illusion with numerous faces has skeletons swirling in the air.

Magic of Illusions

Magic of Illusions

Kinda Scary

This innocent and calm woman has so many men and women residing inside its body.

Kinda Scary

Kinda Scary

Scary Don

The riders have taken shape from the old man’s face and are out on their hunting spree.

Scary Don

Scary Don

Scary Carpet

Look at the floor of this shop and you will get snared in the wired design.

Scary Carpet

Scary Carpet

Because It Was Worth It

A hand tearing a girl’s head with blood spots oozing out of it created on a black and white backdrop.

Because It Was Worth It

Because It Was Worth It

Old Scary Illusions

The twin sisters playing with their pet lamb do not know that they are being stared at by a skull.

Old Scary Illusions

Old Scary Illusions

Cool Scary

The man with the parts of his face shaped up as animals presents a fabulous piece of illusionary artwork.

Cool Scary

Cool Scary

Very Scary

Three faces in one skull with a spider spewing venom into the lungs create fear and mystery in the onlookers’ mind.

Very Scary

Very Scary

Modern Scary Art

The glass ceiling creates a fantastic illusion of upside down image giving a ghastly look to the people standing there.

Modern Scary Art

Modern Scary Art


  1. Creating optical illusion is somewhat complicated… What more if it’s scary. So I must admit.. those who made these are really expert. Thanks for this collection :)

  2. Creating scary illusions is a very difficult and tricky art. This collection has really very scary illusions and the work could be appreciated very well…Thanks a lot admin.

  3. What I see here by the count of the fear posts. 12 are easily scared. 5 are realistic and not easily moved. Rock on to those people. We’ll need more of you in the world. Giving all the fear porn in the world today.


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