30 Lovely Pictures of Books


If there is anything that holds the best memories and words of people it has to be books. Get into a book and you can forget the world outside, as you flow with the story, the characters and the ideas. Looking at a book, falling in love with the cover, trying to peek at what is written at the back, or deciding to read the story first before turning the book over, are all fresh and delightful adventures. If you are a book lover Pictures Of Books are sure to make you feel dreamy as you step into your private fantasy world, dreaming of how it would be to read so many books.

All the different ideas that humans have ever come up with get into words they write. Be it poetry, prose or drama books have their special connect to the person who love them. For many book lovers, the smell of old books and the musty feel of yellowing pages is a wonderful experience, taking them back to the old times. Books can give rise to many kinds of feelings. leather-bound books with golden writing on the cover can make you feel all dreamy and full of the ancient times. The modern books often come in paperback format and look shiny and glossy.Leatherbound books also often come in bright dyed leather which make them look colorful. Whatever the kind of book you love reading, there is nothing better than the joy of curling up with your favorite book on the sofa or read a book in bed before sleeping. As you sleep the world of books comes alive in your imagination taking you on night mare rides and rainbow dreams as you relive the reading experience all over again. Books truly open up the doors to your imagination, with their subtle invitation to turn the cover and look in.

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Leafy Pastime

Reading your favorite books outside on a fresh autumn morning can be a wonderful adventure as this books picture shows.

Leafy Pastime

Leafy Pastime

The Picture At The Back

This is a lovely book picture idea of a book showing a mother introducing her little girl to the world of books. The red roses and pebbled surface are full of the magic of book love.

The Picture At The Back

The Picture At The Back

Of The Sand Pictures

This peaceful looking book with a landscape as the cover takes you into a world of poetry and lovely images from nature.

Of The Sand Pictures

Of The Sand Pictures

A Book Appetite

Books are the only thing that can satisfy a book lover’s appetite which still keeps asking for more, more as this picture

A Book Appetite

A Book Appetite

Rocking The Mockingbird

Step into the pages of the world’s most loved English classics with a pretty rowboat of paper completing the dreamy blue picture.

Rocking The Mockingbird

Rocking The Mockingbird

Paperback Classics

Take a look at these popular classics in paperback format arranged on a lovely boat style curved book holder.

Paperback Classics

Paperback Classics

Illuminated Books

The gorgeous collection of books bound in leather of many different colors gives a lovely look to this books picture.

Illuminated Books

Illuminated Books

Big Wisdom Book

This huge and thick volume with a dark worn leather-bound cover has a candle lit beside taking you back to the stories of ancient times.

Big Wisdom Book

Big Wisdom Book

Carnival Spirit

Books of many different kinds, some of them open at a page, are randomly spread out in this book lover’s feast picture.

Carnival Spirit

Carnival Spirit

Book Treasures

You can see book holders with books from ancient times with metal inlay covers and locks arranged in this museum collection.

Book Treasures

Book Treasures

Banana Fish

This very thick book with a pastel shaded cover has a rich golden silk bookmark inside.

Banana Fish

Banana Fish

Books Wealth

This small collection of well-chosen books laid out in two rows has many titles that help in managing wealth and finances.

Books Wealth

Books Wealth

Vintage Poe

The dark world of horror and mystery is locked inside the pages of this much used brown Poe hardbound book.

Vintage Poe

Vintage Poe

A Bed Reading Idea

Reading books in bed is a fantastic way to wind down and go to sleep, and this pillow book gift idea gets the snuggly exciting feeling just right.

A Bed Reading Idea

A Bed Reading Idea

Techie Books Picture

The large collection of books arranged on the shelf seems to be all for software techies. This could possibly be a bookshop.

Techie Books Picture

Techie Books Picture

The Open Book Picture

The book lover’s favorite picture this seems to show the table of a person who reads many books at one time. Check out the topmost open book that’s resting on a few other books.

The Open Book Picture

The Open Book Picture

C&H Collection

The adventures into Calvin and Hobbes land are truly magical. Check out these handsome bound Calvin and Hobbes collection.

C&H Collection

C&H Collection

Old Library Classics

The worn cracked leaf print patterns of the wallpaper hug the vintage bound books in this classic books picture.

Old Library Classics

Old Library Classics

Home Comfort Recipes Book

Shaded in pink and filled with homemade recipe ideas this books are truly yummy and a great incentive to get going in the kitchen.

Home Comfort Recipes Book

Home Comfort Recipes Book

Pick Of The Week Picture

Finding one book to read when you have many to choose from can be a heart project as you keep going between books. The book to read right now seems to have been chosen, going by this picture.

Pick Of The Week Picture

Pick Of The Week Picture

Butterfly Adventure

Some books tell you a lot about the wonderful creatures of the world. Here are these colorful books on pretty butterflies.

Butterfly Adventure

Butterfly Adventure

The Journey Book Picture

A dark polished wood staircase heading up into a lit space forms a wonderful and attractive cover for a book.

The Journey Book Picture

The Journey Book Picture

Medical Books

These serious looking heavy volumes with hardbound leather covers seems to be belong to a medical student. The warm look gives a vintage feel to the books.

Medical Books

Medical Books

Books Fantasy

Check out these amazing fantasy books all spread out to read. Welcome to a universe full of magical adventures and cosmic trips!

Books Fantasy

Books Fantasy

My Books

This neatly arranged collection of books is a very wide-ranging one, touching on everything from Harry Potter magic to Barack Obama lectures.

My Books

My Books

Books Forever

Books, books, books everywhere in all possible colors seems to be the theme for this book lover’s haven picture.

Books Forever

Books Forever

Vintage Flavor

You can almost smell that amazing musty old books smell as you look at this picture of a very old and a bit worn book collection.

Vintage Flavor

Vintage Flavor

Beautifully Bound Books

The lush world of fairytales and magic welcomes you to step in through these beautifully bound books.

Beautifully Bound Books

Beautifully Bound Books

Delicious Little Books

These tiny hardbound books with a colored binding look lovely with the hook like ring inside each book.

Delicious Little Books

Delicious Little Books

Leisure Books Picture

Settling down with slim books on art and craft, cooking and all the things you love can be a most delightful adventure.

Leisure Books Picture

Leisure Books Picture


  1. Everytime I can see books, all I can think is knowledge. I believe that reading can add more knowledge to the people. Anyway, I like the fantasy books and the recipe books. This is a very good collection. Thanks. ^^


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