24 Sexy Moshi Monsters Pictures


What is it about Moshi Monsters that has captured the imagination of kids the world over? Is it the notion of having your very own virtual monster to take care of, finding the right food for your pet, or just the adorable characteristics of each monster? Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that Moshi Monsters continues to win new fans with its innovative style and marketing ideas. Launched in 2007 as an online virtual pet adoption scheme, the colorful monsters have become a hit with entire families.

Originally, the virtual world lets you choose from six monsters with their unique features and adopt one to look after. Zommers can be fussy eaters while the cat-bunny style Katsukas hardly make a mess when they are eating, and you need to know the habits of your monster really well. You even get to name your monster just like you would with a pet in the real world. It is no wonder, then, that the monsters have crossed over to the physical world and are no longer seen only in the virtual space. Moshi Monsters Pictures show the different monsters and moshlings in their cute getups and attractive colors. Children love cupcake with tiny models of their favorite Moshi Monsters. From giant eggs kept on a public display, to gold tin avatars in limited edition collections, you see Moshi Monsters in different locations and exciting styles. The monsters are fun to make, so you also see pictures where people have handcrafted a monster using everyday items like thread, buttons and glue. The Moshi Monsters world is styled in bright and fun colors that kids can immediately connect with. From oranges to pinks to blues to browns to reds, there is hardly a color of the rainbow you find missing in the world of the monsters. Designed for 6 to 12-year-old kids, the colorful monsters today have fan followings across age groups. Check out these fun pictures.

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Purple Moshi Monster

Here is a beautiful purple Katsuma monster sitting beside a brown tree cutout. The blue tinged backdrop has a tiny snowflake.

Purple Moshi Monster

Purple Moshi Monster

Moshi Sports

The Moshi Monsters sure know how to have fun. Here you see a Moshi sports event in progress.

Moshi Sports

Moshi Sports

Moshi Monsters Play

Check out all the cute and colorful Moshlings that your Moshi Monster can catch. The game screen is styled in bright colors to hook kids.

Moshi Monsters Play

Moshi Monsters Play

Moshi Monsters Display

Splashed in vivid colors like magenta, pink, orange, green, brown and red, this picture shows a collection of Moshi Monsters.

Moshi Monsters Display

Moshi Monsters Display

Special Moshi Cake

This lovely birthday cake in the colors of a rainbow is inspired by the Moshi Monsters.

Special Moshi Cake

Special Moshi Cake

Moshi Cartoon

This is a simple line drawing showing the figure of Pip from the Moshi Monsters. He sits with a sad face on the branch of a tree.

Moshi Cartoon

Moshi Cartoon

Moshi Assortment

This adorable assortment of cupcakes draws on the Moshi Monsters for inspiration. Each cupcake has one Moshi Monster on it.

Moshi Assortment

Moshi Assortment

Nighttime Moshi Monster

The soft green tinged background looks cute as Woolly stands on a bright white cloud surrounded by the moon and stars..

Nighttime Moshi Monster

Nighttime Moshi Monster

Moshi Monsters Public Piece

The Moshi Monsters online world has captured the attention of people worldwide. Check out the colorful Moshi Monsters giant egg on public display.

Moshi Monsters Public Piece

Moshi Monsters Public Piece

Neon Moshi Monster

This graceful purple little creature is a Poppet from the Moshi Monsters game. With her delicately combed fur, she looks very feminine.

Neon Moshi Monster

Neon Moshi Monster

Moshi Monsters Scenery

Take a look at the Moshi Monsters game, with the backdrop of tall and strange puffy flowers beside a cottage. You see Diavlo in one corner.

Moshi Monsters Scenery

Moshi Monsters Scenery

Moshi Monsters Jump

Check out the title banner for the game that has taken the world of children’s games by storm. The lettering is fun, with a pair of horns on ‘m’ and a monster eye replacing the dot for ‘i’.

Moshi Monsters Jump

Moshi Monsters Jump

Choosing Moshi Monsters

The Moshi Monsters game lets you choose your own pet monster for adoption. Here you see a lineup of six monsters.

Choosing Moshi Monsters

Choosing Moshi Monsters

Picture Of Katsuma

Check out Katsuma who has characteristics of both a cat and a rabbit. The touches of mauve on the fur are fun and colorful.

Picture Of Katsuma

Picture Of Katsuma

Golden Moshi Monster

Here is the elegant Lady Meowfold in a matte gold avatar from the Moshi Monsters Gold Collection.

Golden Moshi Monster

Golden Moshi Monster

White Moshi

White Fang Husky of Moshi Monsters looks out at the world in this picture. The toy has a tiny pink tongue with black and pink ears, giving it a cuddly look.

White Moshi

White Moshi

Moshi Monsters Colors

Take a look at the vibrant world of the Moshi Monsters. The colors are bright, lively and designed to appeal to kids.

Moshi Monsters Colors

Moshi Monsters Colors

Moshi Monstar

This picture shows the game screen. You need to choose a location to look after your Moshi Monster.

Moshi Monstar

Moshi Monstar

3D Moshi Monsters

Here you see Waldo in a golden look that is different from his customary brown getup. This is a toy from the limited edition Gold Collection.

3D Moshi Monsters

3D Moshi Monsters

Moshi Monster Look

Plush-Poppet looks adorable with the shaggy long fur hanging over his eyes. This cute doll is a handcrafted Moshi Monster.

Moshi Monster Look

Moshi Monster Look

Bandana Moshi Monsters

The bright red bandana adds to the golden appeal of Chop Chop as he looks on with cute green tinged eyes.

Bandana Moshi Monsters

Bandana Moshi Monsters

Monsters Wallpaper

This happy and colorful wallpaper shows the Moshi Monsters doing what they do best, putting on the radio and dancing.

Monsters Wallpaper

Monsters Wallpaper

Pinknosed Moshi Monsters

You see White Fang in a gold tin version as a part of the Gold Collection launched by the makers of Moshi Monsters.

Pinknosed Moshi Monsters

Pinknosed Moshi Monsters

Moshi Red

Here is a really cool and bubbly Diablo in red minus his customary black look. The yellow hands make a bright combination with the red body.

Moshi Red

Moshi Red


  1. Moshi monsters a a faiirly new craze I think and looking at them I think they will be around for a little while, thankyou for sharing!


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