25 Terrific Maplestory Backgrounds


MapleStory is a 2D multi player online game. It words on the basis of role-playing where the players assume the role of certain Maplestory characters. The purpose is to enhance the virtues and strengths of each character by vanquishing Black Mage and his villainous army. The game has backgrounds that can serve as fantastic wallpapers. This is a collection of Maplestory backgrounds that will definitely inspire you to participate in the game. The characters are vivid and highly emotional in their reactions. This is because the players can mold them to act in a way that will defeat the villain and his stooges.

No other game is as popular online as Maplestory. It is in 2D computer game that most children participate in. The game is more interactive than other games because it involves role-playing. The players can opt to be a certain maple character. It is usually a free game, but some items to defeat the villain must be purchased in the maple cash shop. The characters are ready to go into battle mode as soon as the players want it. They have their own set of weapons and protective gear to use during war. This is a set of Maplestory backgrounds that are very colorful and attractive enough to save as wallpaper.

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Sunset at Maple World

This is a bright and colorful Maplestory background with the Sun setting in the horizon.

Sunset at Maple World

Sunset at Maple World

Queen‘s knight

One of the Queen‘s knights is guarding the castle in this bright and artistic Maplestory background.

Queen‘s knight

Queen‘s knight

Favorite Background

This is the most popular Maplestory background with its dark screen and colorful Maple character.

Favorite Background

Favorite Background

Battle Scene

A Maple character is in battle with one of Black Mage‘s stooges. As Maplestory background this is great.

Battle Scene

Battle Scene

Maplestory Background

The countryside scene is depicted with is glorious greenery in the classic Maplestory background.

Maplestory Background

Maplestory Background

Surveying the Land

This is a lovely Maplestory background where the soldiers are surveying the land for intruders.

Surveying the Land

Surveying the Land

Maple World

The precious Maple World with its rich natural wealth makes a great Maplestory background for the desktop.

Maple World

Maple World

Under Training

The spearman under training looks very solemn and determined in this Maplestory background.

Under Training

Under Training

Catlike Character

This catlike character from the game is a very attractive Maplestory background worth saving.

Catlike Character

Catlike Character

All Togged Up

This character is all togged up to battle the Black Mage in this superbly bright Maplestory background.

All Togged Up

All Togged Up

Winning is Fun

The cash shop is a very artistic Maplestory background with its colorful characters.

Winning is Fun

Winning is Fun

At War

All the Maple characters have got into battle mode in this vibrant Maplestory background.

At War

At War

Natural Beauty

Nature‘s bounty is very artistically depicted in this scenery. It makes a fantastic Maplestory background.

Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty

Party Wear

This character is all set to attend a party in his bunny suit. It makes a stylish Maplestory background.

Party Wear

Party Wear

Budding Beauty

This pretty little Maple character is powerful in battle. She will make a lovely Maplestory background.

Budding Beauty

Budding Beauty

Villainous Character

This zombie like character may be ugly. But as a Maplestory background it is very artistic and interesting.

Villainous Character

Villainous Character


This Maplestory background has many characters that assist you through the game. As Maplestory background it is perfect.



For Those Who Love It

This is a superlative Maplestory background for the ardent fans. The bright colors and artistic characters are brilliant.

For Those Who Love It

For Those Who Love It

Henesys Clock Building

The adorable clock building is the most popular Maplestory background with little children.

Henesys Clock Building

Henesys Clock Building

Lovely Calendar

The maple characters and the Pagoda like tower make a vivid and attractive Maplestory background.

Lovely Calendar

Lovely Calendar

Maple Adventure

This maple character is on a great adventure exploring Maple World. This will make a superb Maplestory background.

Maple Adventure

Maple Adventure

Class Art

This fountain and the floating islands make this one of the most brilliant Maplestory backgrounds from all the others.

Class Art

Class Art

Attraction of Horror

This Maplestory background is a perfect example of horror that is also attractive.

Attraction of Horror

Attraction of Horror

Danger Zone

The Black Mage‘s domain is a dangerous zone for the maple characters. But as Maplestory background it is fantastic.

Danger Zone

Danger Zone

Very Intense

This maple character, with the intense expression and stylish outfit, makes a class Maplestory background.

Very Intense

Very Intense


  1. As we all know maple story game is famous to most. I am one of them who like it. I like the surveying the land background for my pc. ^^


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