30 Magnificent Drawings of Jesus


The holy messenger that brought God’s wisdom in a human form before mankind Jesus is the perfect apostle of humanity and grace. While He is human He is also a doer of rich miracles that proclaim that He is the Son of God. In his human lifetime on earth Jesus Christ was known to mingle freely with the poor and downtrodden. He never shied away from comforting the weak. Gentle as a lamb and shining like a lamp Jesus showed His infinite love and care for humanity.

The preacher of universal love and rich wisdom Jesus has a simple grace that shines in His features. Look into His eyes and you can see what drew so many young children to His side. He carried the young and helpless, and you can often see Drawings of Jesus where He is depicted holding a baby in His arms. Whether the features of Jesus are drawn with pencil, or pen-and-ink, or a black paintbrush style all of them have a softness and gentleness about them. You can also see rich and intricate drawings that use fine shading or elaborate patterns to bring out the divine nobility in the face of Christ. To show He is as meek as a lamb many artworks also depict Jesus the shepherd tendery cradling a lamb with a staff held in the other hand. Artists love depicting Jesus in various ways, and here are some of these drawings for you to enjoy.

If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Real Pictures of Jesus, Pictures of Black Jesus, Virgin Mary Pictures and Jesus Optical Illusions.

Holy Jesus Christ

Holding up a hand in a gentle gesture Jesus looks on with divine wisdom in His eyes in this drawing.

Holy Jesus Christ

Holy Jesus Christ

Jesus Artwork

Gently drawn with great detailing in the various parts of His face this is a lifelike drawing of Jesus.

Jesus Artwork

Jesus Artwork

Jesus Passion

See His eyes full of agony and suffering as He takes on the sins of mankind in this picture.

Jesus Passion

Jesus Passion

Silent Night

The pencil shading uses a heavy effect to depict the dark night in this picture showing Jesus with His eyes turned up towards Heaven.

Silent Night

Silent Night

Meek As A Lamb

Simple line drawing with a water-color filling for the background marks this depiction of Jesus as the shepherd.

Meek As A Lamb

Meek As A Lamb

Jesus Drawing

A soft and faded look rounds out the features of Jesus in this old style drawing. See the pencil shading that depicts the gentle planes of His face.

Jesus Drawing

Jesus Drawing

Christ Grace

Note the carefully drawn strands of fine hair in this realistic portrait of a smiling Jesus.

Christ Grace

Christ Grace

Tender Care

The eyes of Jesus shine with love in this beautiful drawing that shows Him gently holding a sleeping child.

Tender Care

Tender Care

Divine Love

This soft pencil shaded drawing shows the divine form of Jesus with a halo around His head.

Divine Love

Divine Love

Beautiful Jesus

Strong black shading and short confident strokes adds power to the features of Jesus in this drawing.

Beautiful Jesus

Beautiful Jesus

Soft Pencil Shade Jesus

The soft pencil shaded style of drawing works beautifully to highlight the gentle grace of Jesus.

Soft Pencil Shade Jesus

Soft Pencil Shade Jesus

Wonderful Jesus Drawing

Styled in elaborate patterns the face of Jesus is brought into relief in this wonderful piece of artwork.

Wonderful Jesus Drawing

Wonderful Jesus Drawing

Real Jesus

The gentle and careful details done in pencil makes this a realistic portrait of Jesus.

Real Jesus

Real Jesus

The Crown Of Thorns

The realistically depicted crown of thorns with sharp spikes speaks of His suffering in this picture.

The Crown Of Thorns

The Crown Of Thorns

Quick Drawing Of Christ

Done with a series of rapid pencil strokes this is a powerful depiction of Jesus Christ.

Quick Drawing Of Christ

Quick Drawing Of Christ

Heart Art

With His heart beating with love of humanity Jesus stands in a loving and compassionate mood in this beautifully shaded drawing.

Heart Art

Heart Art

Line Drawing Jesus

A series of simple lines has been used to draw the fine lines of His face in this basic portrait.

Line Drawing Jesus

Line Drawing Jesus

Jesus Outdoors

With His eyes gently turned towards the ground, Jesus has a loving expression on His face in this intricate drawing.

Jesus Outdoors

Jesus Outdoors

Christ On The Road

His head covered with a rough hood Jesus is the divine messenger here out to spread the Word of God on the road.

Christ On The Road

Christ On The Road

Sitting Jesus

This is an unusual portrayal of Jesus which shows Him with His head turned to one side, sitting in a relaxed posture.

Sitting Jesus

Sitting Jesus

Jesus Story

Drawn in a simple line drawing style this picture shows Jesus among His disciples.

Jesus Story

Jesus Story

Jesus Dark Shading

Dark shading is used to put the features of Jesus into relief in this beautiful pencil drawing.

Jesus Dark Shading

Jesus Dark Shading

Son of God

A pale blue tinge marks this beautiful drawing of Jesus the Son of God.

Son of God

Son of God

Powerful Jesus Drawing

Note the strong planes of the face in this powerful drawing showing Jesus with His eyes closed.

Powerful Jesus Drawing

Powerful Jesus Drawing

Christ On the Cross

Drawn with strong and sharp lines this powerful picture depicts Jesus on the Cross.

Christ On the Cross

Christ On the Cross

Jesus Miracle

This is a beautifully done line drawing in which Jesus performs a miracle before the disciples.

Jesus Miracle

Jesus Miracle

My First Drawing Of Jesus

The crosses find a place alongside the face of Jesus in this beautiful religious drawing.

My First Drawing Of Jesus

My First Drawing Of Jesus

Jesus Blessing

This detailed line drawing shows Jesus as He goes about blessing the sick and downtrodden of the city.

Jesus Blessing

Jesus Blessing

Jesus Christ

The bold lines and thick strokes powerfully contrast with the soft even areas of shading in this Jesus portrait.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Sketch Of Jesus

The gentle textures of the paper work beautifully to bring out the softness in the features of Jesus in this pencil sketch.

Sketch Of Jesus

Sketch Of Jesus


  1. I think of all the subjects to be drawn it’s Jesus face that is very hard to copy. It’s just perfect and I think no one can really make the best.

  2. Jusus is really a merical, i want to know more about him. And i want to be his follower. “And my first drawing of Jesus.

  3. Not a single artist here put any effort in portraying Jesus in an original way. Just the uniform depiction of the wimpy push-over always “turning the other cheek”. How about showing him as the revolutionary leader he was? Illustrate some independent thought for once.


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