Hairstyles can be traditionally beautiful and stylishly beautiful too. But the true trend setters are those that have been created with a sense of boldness. They are new wave and out of the ordinary hairstyles that draw attention like nothing else can. These are a few avant garde hairstyles that are surefire attention grabbers. They go best with equally avantgarde and bizarre outfits that match the style. Whether straight or curly, most of these hairstyles are created with long to medium hair. This leaves you with greater scope of experimentation. Extraordinary hairpieces can also be used to create these hairstyles.
If there is something that is a surefire attention grabber, then it must be a hairstyle. Sporting bizarre and ultra modern hairstyle is a great new trend, especially popular among the youth. These are some hairstyles of avant-garde that will please young women who like to experiment with different hairdos. They have a bizarre look that has its own appeal in a new wave, modern sense of the word. Some use bright hair dyes for a deliberately weird effect. Some form unusual trend setting styles just by the way they are groomed. Add a strange hairpiece, and you can go a step beyond avantgarde.
If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Black Women Short Hairstyles, African Braid Hairstyles, Haircuts For Heart Shaped Faces and Hairstyles For Teenagers.
Bizarre And Striking
This strikingly bizarre hairstyle with butterflies and ringlets is a true example of avantgarde.
Modern Fairytale Princess
The golden waves and pink satin bow together create an avantgarde fairytale princess kind of hairstyle.
Shaggy Spirals
Golden hair spreading out in shaggy spirals like in this snap is just the perfect avantgarde hairstyle.
Spiked Layers
As avantgarde hairstyles go, this spiked look of layered hair is a true example. Among new wave styles it looks great.
New Wave Waves
This avantgarde hairstyle is a perfect new wave idea to wear such glorious wavy tresses.
Twin Braids
Two sets of twin braids lend a very avantgarde look to this traditional updo. It is a definite trend setter.
Feathered Style
A simple hairstyle in a ponytail becomes new wave and avantgarde with the stylish feathered hairpiece.
Brown Bush
This bush-like avantgarde hairstyle is a class example of a new wave and modern look.
Afro Curls
Afro curls tied in a high pony look great as a new wave and avantgarde hairstyle.
Bird‘s Nest
This imitation of a bird‘s nest is an extremely modern and avantgarde hairstyle that the woman carries off with élan.
Bizarre II
Black, red and white curls forming a concentric horseshoe shape makes a bizarre avantgarde hairstyle.
This hairstyle is so avantgarde that it could be described in a 100 ways. Let‘s call is a modern updo, shall we?
And The Prize Goes To
This hairstyle actually defines avantgarde. The golden tresses look like a waterfall descending from the headgear.
Very Feminine
The hairpiece made of delicate white lace and pretty flowers turns this simple hairdo into an example of avantgarde.
Very Feminine
Rolled Back
The rolled-back look and red hairpiece is just what one would describe as avantgarde and modern.
Totem Pole Hairstyle
Buns on top of each other like a totem pole are surely one of the most avantgarde hairstyles you could imagine.
Totem Pole Hairstyle
Bird‘s Nesting Place
The wavy hair held up with a golden satin ribbon looks very trend setting and avantgarde hairstyle.
High Updo
An updo of six inches high is surely a great avantgarde hairstyle that is worth imitating.
Purple Waves
Purple waves seem to fall over a brown dish. This is definitely the most avantgarde hairstyle one could find.
Just For Kicks
Just for kicks this girl is wearing a scary avantgarde hairstyle of shaggy red tresses falling over the face.
Capped Up
The thorny looking caps covering the long straight tresses make these very avantgarde hairstyles indeed!
Curled Updo
A severe looking curled updo like in this snap with the right makeup looks very avantgarde and trendy.
Twin Porcupines
Hair styled like twin porcupines makes this a hairdo that beats all other avantgarde hairstyles hands down.
Twin Porcupines
Sideways Updo
A sideways updo on the top of the head is a strange description. That‘s why this hairstyle is truly avantgarde.
Hanging From A Ball
This must be the most bizarre hairstyle of all. Hair cascades like a waterfall from a huge circular bun!
These hairstyles are very amazing. I think it’s very hard to it these hairstyles. ^^
What the! How did they made the Hanging From A Ball hair style. That’s a crazy hairstyle.