Italians are a very vibrant lot and they love to do things in style. The Italian horn, the green white and red Italian flag, and the Italian traditions are all proof to the colorful lifestyle of this fantastic plate placed in the Western part of the world. Much like its people, Italian food too has a lot of color and vibrance. Their dishes can surely put a spark in your day. It is then not a surprise that Italian tattoos, much like everything that came from Italy, has a lot of vitality. Italian tattoos are one of the more interesting tattoos to get as it showcases a combination of exciting colors, hues and shades. Interesting designs and patterns filled with dominant colors make up Italian tattoos.
Italian Tattoos
If you are thinking of getting an Italian tattoo, one thing that you should make sure that the translation, in case of a scripted tattoo, is correct. Italian patterns have many quotes and sayings, besides of course the regular patterns, which make up their beautiful culture. Vivid colors, dramatic personality, and unique Italian cultural scenes dominate the Italian designs. Another aspect that you need to make sure about is to get the right phrase and proper quotes. Grammar is important as you do not want to be walking around with a nonsense tattoo. Make sure that you speak to an Italian native speaker who would guide you through the translation of phrases and would give you the right view of the culture in the country. With the advent of foreign language tattoos in the fashion world, these tattoos are here to stay.
Haunting Expressions
Your good actions should haunt the world with a definite stamp of impressive abilities and beautiful expressions. This tattoo, when translated into English, says “Follow your heart.” This foot tattoo is one way of keeping an optimistic outlook on life.
Fascinating Flights
Freedom is a pleasure and the flight to freedom is a victory. Enjoy this Italian tattoo and more and make way for some more interesting experiences when you fly to Italy. Italy has a lot to offer to both foreigners and residents alike.
Calm Strength
This Italian tattoo translates to “Strength of character lies in being calm.” A great person is one who remains calm under all circumstances. This forearm tattoo reminds the wearer to keep calm to be on top of the situation, perfect for those who always let their emotions get the best of them.
Life Is Beautiful
Life is a journey and a beautiful one at that. Enjoy every aspect of life and make way for better things to come. Getting this Italian Tattoo will definitely give you the positive boost you need to get through the day. Italian tattoos are one of the most creative and meaningful in the history of tattoos.
Family Is Everything
Family is prime and family is the ultimate. Who would not want to wear a tattoo specially for their family? Looking at the history of tattoos, you would know that many cultures have tattoos paying homage to their family. Don’t you want to honor your family with this Italian tattoo?
National Pride
The country where you come from is important and it is but natural that you would love to do anything for your motherland. Nationalism is a part of life. After all, to be part of a group is a basic human need. Proudly wear the colours of the Italian flag and flaunt your pride with this Italian tattoo.
Horned Emotions
The Italian Horn is a symbol of pride and gives a lot of ingrained patriotism. This can be etched in the form of a beautiful design. This Corno Portafortuna, lucky horn in Italian, is an Italian symbol that is believed to be worn by Italian ancestors to protect themselves against the evil eye and misfortune.
The Brother
Siblings are the best and you can surely show love for your brother by drawing this beautiful love quote on your body. This wearer’s forearm tattoo is paying homage to his or her brother. Getting the Italian tattoo Fratello tattooed on your forearm can be in celebration of your brother, unfortunately, passing away.
Artistic Inclination
Have the best artistic abilities and show it off, in the form of designs, patterns, and creative patterns. Miei Figli Michaelangelo, in English, translates to “My Child Michaelangelo.” This Italian tattoo is a great choice for family tattoos as it allows you to proudly tattoo your kid’s name on your skin.
Love Rules
Translated to English, this Italian tattoo says, “It is always love that rules and dominates your life and gives you a lot of pleasure, satisfaction and happiness.” This back tattoo reminds the wearer, and whoever else sees it, to believe in the power of love.
Lullabies Unlimited
Sing a good lullaby and make your life musical and filled with rhythm, tune and harmony. Fair la nanna or “Go To Sleep,” is a mysterious quote that carries a lot of meaning. This line becomes more meaningful if the wearer is afflicted with insomnia and is using his wrist tattoo to remind him to sleep.
Forever Yours
Proclaim your love for your beloved and promise that you will always be his or hers with a tone of finality with this Italian tattoo. Using tattoos to proclaim your love to each other has always been in the history of tattoos. By permanently inking your body with the word Forever, you are essentially tying the know with your loved one.
False Death
Death is false; you can prove it, as there is a soul there waiting to enter a body. Express your opinion of death through this Italian Tattoo. Translated to English, this Italian tattoo means Death before Dishonor. The quote essentially means to die before you begin to go against what you believe in.
Trust In God
God is great and it is only your trust in God that holds ground. Believe in the power above and live your life happily. When life becomes hard, the majority of believers rely on their trust in God’s plan to save them from insanity. Your life struggles become ultimately smaller when looking at the bigger picture.
Love Thy Country
Your country is your land. You have to protect it, so express it with a touch of class and dedication. This Italian tattoo allows the wearer to show his or her love for the country of Italy. This is one cool tattoo that fully manifests the wearer’s national pride.
Italian Connection
Get the right Italian touch and combine it with a dash of country pleasures. Surely, you would love all this and more in tattoo collections. It takes a full-blooded Italian to get this bold Italian tattoo inked on their body.
Flighted Fantasy
Take the flight to a fantasy land with and share your innermost passions with the world through this simple design. The first line of the poem of this Italian tattoo when translated into English is “I do not fear death.” Tattoo designs of this calibre are worthy to be called art.
Patriotic Endeavors
Work your way through patriotic feelings and show that you really care for Italy and are dedicated to a cause. Of course, who wouldn’t love Italy and everything it has to offer? If you’ve lived in Italy your entire life, this Italian tattoo is definitely one of the best tattoos you can get.
Family Comes First
Love your family and flaunt your love through these tattoo design which makes up a great Italian tattoo. In English, Prima la Famiglia translates to “First the Family.” It goes without saying that your family should be your first priority but this wearer wants to remind himself of it.
Beautiful is the eye, which scours for passionate feelings, lovely is the ear which listens to beautiful tunes. Bella, in English, translates to beautiful. This wrist tattoo is reminding the wearer that she is beautiful.
Italian Drama
Anything Italian is vibrant, including some expressions. The lines on this Italian tattoo, for example, are the lyrics of an Italian song titled Gente che spera. Loosely translated, it means, “In the happy nights with forbidden vices you realised the style is when we stay together.”
Italian Quote
Be an Italian at heart and a human at play. Life would take you ahead with these simple Italian quotes. This Italian tattoo, when translated to English, means “You just walked out of one of my dreams.” This dark and mysterious tattoo can easily spark a conversation among your peers.
National Steps
Step towards a better future and wear your patriotic feelings on the feet. Edge your way up the ladder of national success. This Italian tattoo allows the wearer to flaunt their national pride for Italy.
Fiery Impressions
Fire it up for those who want something interesting and spectacular. Save it up for those who want to do something different. The meaning of this Italian tattoo is “The Fire In The Veins” which could help remind the wearer to be brave as there is fire in their veins.
Quoted Impact
Have the best impact with the right quotes. Make way for some of the most intriguing emotions. Esperanza, when translated to English, means Hope. Getting through life is extremely difficult which is why the wearer has Hope tattooed on his wrist to remind him not to give up.
Triple Wonders
Wear your heart on your arm, and flaunt love for your country with simple designs. Let your intentions be known to the world outside. With a little bit of creativity, you can still show off your nationalist pride with this minimalist tattoo.
Forever Family
Family is supreme and family is king. Family rules everywhere so why not express this feeling to the world? The quote, “Blood is thicker than water,” is truly one of the best adages that pay homage to the most important relationship of an individual — the family.
Best Friends
Friends are a treasure and best friends are gems. Share your love for your best friends with these Italian tattoos. Forearm tattoos with this Italian transcription Migliori Amici is in celebration of the wearer’s best friends who he or she considers dearest to him or her.
Crossed Endeavors
Make an effort to create a change. If you cannot try again, if you are successful, half the battle is won. In English, this means Let’s Cross Over which could allude to a scene in the Julia Roberts-starred movie Eat Pray Love.
Life Is Lovely
Life is a gift.It is lovely and makes you a perfect contender for the race it offers. Make way for the best and love every bit of life you live.
WOW these Cultural Italian Tattoos are cool looking one and i think that person who belong to Italy should have one tattoo like these.
traditionally italian’s do not get tattoos. Read enough of our history and you know only military or slaves had it. its a sign of tribal-ness and italians viewed themselves as above this behavior.