29 Unique Home Designs Which Look Incredible


In the modern society, when you look around, you find that every house has the same look, same design and nothing is quite different. You stand out in your porch and look around and you see a uniformity that borders on dreariness. Yet, more and more people are letting their imaginations soar and build houses that are unique; that epitomize their personalities and fantasies. That sets them apart from the rest.

Unique houses have come into vogue and it looks like they are staying. Different shape, different size, different color and what not. Such unique houses are sprouting up right before our eyes. Not only are they aesthetically different, with advancement in architecture, are also more efficient and effective than the normal houses. Its increase in popularity has seen a downpour of architectural firms specializing in such different and unique designs, catering to different price ranges. Here, compiled for your benefit are 27 unique home designs that range from plain bizarre to jaw dropping wonder. Yet, they are all guaranteed to stoke your imagination and raise the question of what if? They are different; they know it and they flaunt it!

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Turns You On Your Head

Ever since it was built in Poland in 2007, it has gone on to become something of a landmark in Northern Poland.

Turns You On Your Head

Turns You On Your Head


Nestled between the mountains, this Arcadian style of architecture is too good not to say Lovely!



Crooked House

The Polish certainly know how to build them. The Crooked House (Krzywy Domek) was built in 2004 and is part of a shopping center.

Crooked House

Crooked House

Snow White Anyone?

Even though its named the Hobbit house, does it not remind you of a certain character created by the Grimm brothers?

Snow White Anyone?

Snow White Anyone?

Spookiness Personified

The creepy attic and creepier iron fence might send shivers up your spine at first but it still has an unquestionable charm to it.

Spookiness Personified

Spookiness Personified

Bunk up!

This one here is our old bunker house furnished to modern sophistication that leaves you to spend more days bunked up!

Bunk up!

Bunk up!

Psycho House

The Psycho House, as it is popularly known, has been mainly built for film sets and has since been a tourist attractor in many places.

Psycho House

Psycho House

The Witch’s House

Another house design straight from the yards of hollywood, Beverly Hills to be exact, has prominently been built elsewhere as a tourist attraction.

The Witch's House

The Witch’s House

The Swiss Flavor

Modelled on the famous Swiss Chalet houses, it is a bit of an old style that still finds takers.

The Swiss Flavor

The Swiss Flavor

Dig up a house

The Sunken House is one of the weirdest houses ever designed. Built into the ground, it certainly can be a scary prospect to live here at night!

Dig up a house

Dig up a house

Rectangle Mania

Some people take math way too seriously! This house guarantees you quite a view at all right angles.

Rectangle Mania

Rectangle Mania

Bahnar Communal House

This one is from Vietnam. Built by the Bahnar ethnic group, it is one of the most important buildings in a Bahnar village.

Bahnar Communal House

Bahnar Communal House

World FLEX Home

A visionary house billed as the ‘future house’, it is quite literally ahead of its times with its efficient design that promises strength and flexibility.

World FLEX Home

World FLEX Home

Bring the A house

Known as both the A house as well as the Triangle house, this house certainly packs in.

Bring the A house

Bring the A house

No Space, No Worry

The Thin house design has perhaps caught on more than any other design showcased here due to its, well, cost efficiency.

No Space, No Worry

No Space, No Worry

Out of the world

Called many a name since it was built, this house certainly captivates and delights in equal measure.

Out of the world

Out of the world

Country House

This old yet delightful design seems to not loose its rustic charm through the passage of time.

Country House

Country House

The Hobbit Holes

Fans of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy might need no introduction to this. The Hobbit Hole design has been extremely popular for years now.

The Hobbit Holes

The Hobbit Holes

The Batak House

Eye-catching and certainly enthralling, these houses are quite common in Indonesia among the Batak community.

The Batak House

The Batak House

The Cone

Quite like the Rapunzel house, the cone house is a one-off that still captivates with its length and pastoral aura.

The Cone

The Cone

Woods and Stones

Another throwback into the old era, the house is built with woods and stones making it more of a primate in the modern era.

Woods and Stones

Woods and Stones

Fairytale comes alive

Some fairytales do come alive! This house design could make the little girl in you pur with happiness.

Fairytale comes alive

Fairytale comes alive

Boulder or House?

Crafted from the boulder next to it, it blends in perfectly with the rest of the scene to provide a camouflage that is hard to pick out.

Boulder or House?

Boulder or House?

Barn House

Based on the ol’ barn, this design would sync in perfectly with the rural land.

Barn House

Barn House

Snowed In

This beauty ain’t as unique as the rest of the designs but it still is pretty special, especially when it is snowing.

Snowed In

Snowed In

Small Yet Colorful

Even though it is small in stature, the design and the coloring certainly brightens up even your most boring day.

Small Yet Colorful

Small Yet Colorful

Tent Shape

The tent shape accentuated by its extraordinarily big roof and the fact that it is almost exclusively built by wood makes it unique beyond doubt.

Tent Shape

Tent Shape



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