26 Original 40th Birthday Quotes


Turning 40 is a major landmark. Going through four whole decades means a person has collected enough life experience. It often adds immense insight about how to make the most of the coming years. By 40, people usually live through their share of fortune, misfortune, lucky breaks and heartaches. So, stepping into the ’40s is a golden chance to live life with open eyes. With enough maturity gained along life’s journey, and enough optimism to enjoy the small moments, the ’40s is when one begins to really live. Yet, like all other important happenings, it comes with its challenges.

Helen Rowland talks about how 40s are also when the body starts showing signs of age. There is plenty to be gained from turning 40. Benjamin Franklin says that by this time, the will and the wit have already finished reigning over a person. So, 40 is the time for the judgment to shine. Becoming 40 also celebrates becoming more authentic and living life for oneself. Maya Angelou says wittily that there is no need to pretend or play false with the heart, especially for women. Ultimately, it is the person who decides how their ’40s will be. As George William Curtis says, age is about feelings, not numbers. Here are some 40th Birthday Quotes.

Helen Rowland Quote

“Life begins on your 40th birthday. But so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times.” – Helen Rowland

Years Experience

“You’re not 40, you’re eighteen with 22 years experience.”

Cicero Quote

“This wine is forty years old. It certainly doesn’t show its age.” – Cicero

W.B Pitkin Quote

“Life begins at forty.” – W.B Pitkin

Turn Forty

“People dont turn forty. They turn 39.95 plus shipping and handling.”

Benjamin Franklin Quote

“At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.” – Benjamin Franklin

Arthur Schopenhauer Quote

“The first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty supply the commentary.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

Wishes For Parents

“I am glad that you are my parent that guides me always, I would like to say thank you, And a warm 40th happy birthday wishes from me for you!”

George Bernard Shaw Quote

“Every man over forty is a scoundrel.” – George Bernard Shaw

Colleen McCullough Quote

“The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men.” – Colleen McCullough

Adding Letters

“Once you hit forty you start adding letters I’m 39A this year.”

Helen Rowland Quotes

“What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy.” – Helen Rowland

Lewis Carroll Quote

“There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents.” – Lewis Carroll

When Your Body

“40 is when your body gives your brain a list of things its not going to do anymore.”

Edward Young Quote

“Be wise with speed; a fool at forty is a fool indeed.” – Edward Young

Maya Angelou Quote

“When I passed forty I dropped pretense, ’cause men like women who got some sense.” – Maya Angelou

Mom Birthday Quote

“Happy 40th birthday mom! I wish you another year of happiness, success, and love! I also pray that you continue to age gracefully, And I hope that you gain more wisdom along the way.”

At Forty

“At the age of twenty, we don’t care what the world thinks of us; at thirty, we worry about what it is thinking of us; at forty, we discover that it wasn’t thinking of us at all.”

Laura Randolph Quote

“If life really begins on your 40th birthday, it’s because that’s when women finally get it… the guts to take back their lives.” – Laura Randolph

George William Curtis Quote

“Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.” – George William Curtis

French Proverb

“Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.” – French Proverb

James Thurber Quote

“Women deserve to have more than twelve years between the ages of twenty eight and forty.” – James Thurber

Stay Fabulous Quote

“You completely epitomize the saying “age is just a number”! Stay fabulous and I hope you have a blessed year ahead. Happy 40th birthday!”

Oliver Wendell Holmes

“To be 70 years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be 40 years old.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Samuel Beckett Quote

“To think, when one is no longer young, when one is not yet old, that one is no longer young, that one is not yet old, that is perhaps something.” – Samuel Beckett

Fred Astaire Quote

“Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young.” – Fred Astaire


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  1. These 40th birthday’s quotes are really amazing and “You‘re not 40, you‘re eighteen with 22 years experience.“ it the coolest one which i liked the most.

  2. These are such inspiring quotes for those people who are celebrating their 40th birthday. As we all know, when people reach the age of 40, it’s very meaningful for them as most people would say that LIFE BEGINS AT 40.

  3. “You‘re not 40, you‘re eighteen with 22 years experience.“ is a very cool and funny 40th birthday quote.

  4. I so love this phrase: “40 is when your body gives your brain a list of things its not going to do anymore.“ Just a very profound thing to think.


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