Humans may be on the very top of the food chain, but deep down inside, we still coil in fear when we think about certain animals. They could be slithery reptiles, they could be oceanic giants or they could be massive land-based beasts, but no matter what, we are hard-wired to escape from these creatures by any means necessary. Just because we are afraid of them, doesn’t mean that they aren’t important parts of our lives. Our mythology is riddled with symbolism of these creatures and they are even considered deities in some neo-pagan religions.
These days, the best way to get a look at these dangerous animals is by going to a zoo. But some people refuse to go because of the harsh treatment that the animals receive. Another way to always be able to get a glimpse of a killer beast is by getting one inked directly onto your skin. Use these 15 animal  tattoo ideas for inspiration on how to get started turning your body into a canvass that is representative of the animal kingdom.
3D Spider Neck Animal Tattoo
Spiders are creepy, crawly, have 8 legs and weave intricate webs to capture their prey. If that wasn’t enough of a reason why humans fear these little creatures, some of them are poisonous. This awesome neck tattoo shows one of the biggest fears that people have and embraces it with a high level of 3D tattoo detail.
Realistic Shark Hip Tattoo
Humans dare not go into the deep waters of the ocean without a specialized shark cage, and they are even susceptible to attacks near beaches. This awesome hip tattoo is a great way to let people at the beach know that you aren’t afraid of some big fish with a bunch of teeth.
Komodo Dragon Arm Tattoo
This animal is one of the closest living ancestors to dinosaurs and is extremely aggressive, hostile, and has a mouth full of bacteria that instantly kills you. Good thing is that they only live on remote islands in Asia and can only be found in the Western world in zoos and tattoos.
Majestic Polar Bear Animal Tattoo
While a polar bear looks extremely majestic and cute, it will rip your head off in a second and eat you. Keep your distance and get this tattoo design instead of visiting the Arctic to try to find one yourself.
Cape Buffalo Back Tattoo
Many people do not know that animals like lions and cheetahs fear the Cape Buffalo because of its immense power and pack mentality. This back tattoo will make you look like you are part of the pack yourself.
Big Show’s Tiger Tattoo
Everyone knows that the tiger is the largest and most dangerous big cat around. Check out this awesome tattoo idea from WWE Superstar The Big Show that shows his own dominance inside the squared circle.
Lion Half Sleeve Tattoo
The King of the Jungle is the second most powerful big cat and is also a very important part of our collective mythology as a human race. This half sleeve tattoo represents power and royalty and also features a cool abstract design.
Viper Rib Tattoo
Snakes of all sizes and varieties have been feared by humans forever. This deep seated fear dates back to our days as primates when avoiding them was necessary for survival. This is a cool abstract rib tattoo idea of a viper that uses all black and goes all the way up the ribs for a cool effect.
Crocodile Hip Tattoo
This hip tattoo for women is just as sexy as it is scary. It uses a crazy amount of detail to give off the impression that the crocodile could jump out and attack you at any moment.
Scorpion Neck and Shoulder Tattoo
While scorpions are primarily found in deserts, people all over the world fear them for the same reasons they fear spiders. This cool tattoo idea covers parts of the neck with the stinger and the shoulder with the body of the scorpion.
Scorpion Neck and Shoulder Tattoo
Killer Bee Chest Tattoo
While a single bee may not be too intimidating, get a whole swarm of them and it’s a different story. This is a cool, single bee tattoo design that looks great in the middle of the chest.
Creepy Eel Tattoo
For ocean enthusiasts, finding an eel is a rare occurrence. Most people want to keep it that way because these things are dangerous, and sometimes even electric. This is a perfect tattoo idea that shows off the eel’s creepy and hidden nature.
Hippo Rib Tattoo
You may have not known this, but the hippo is the cause of most man/animal related deaths in all of Africa. If you were to run into one of these beasts, your only chance of survival would be to pray. Getting a tattoo of a hippo is perhaps one of the scariest animal tattoo ideas you could think of getting.
Hourglass is on WRONG side of the spider in 1st photo. Just looks stupid.