13 Comic Book and Superhero Chest Tattoo Designs


No matter where you turn these days, you are going to see some kind of reference to superheroes and comic books in popular culture. Maybe you’re a geek obsessed with collecting every back issue of your favorite series or maybe you just like going to see blockbusters like “Batman“ and “The Avenger,“ but no matter how you look at it, the climate is just right for geeking out over your favorite comic book characters.

Maybe you have been thinking about getting a tattoo design of your favorite comic book for some time, but have been worried that people would judge you. If this has been on your mind, but you’ve been waiting for the right moment to strike, now is perfect. Superhero and comic book character tattoos come in all shapes and sizes, but some of the most detailed and pronounced ones are inked as chest tattoos. Many superheroes wear their logos on their chests, so getting a chest tattoo isn’t that far of a stretch for showing off your fandom. Here is a list of 13 comic book and superhero chest tattoos that you may want to get for yourself.

Superman Comic Inspired Chest Tattoo

This cool design is inspired by Superman comic book panels just as much as it is by Superman’s iconic wardrobe. The person who got it obviously recreated some of his favorite scenes from the series, and you can add your favorites for the ultimate customization.

Superman Comic Inspired Chest Tattoo

Iron Man Heart Tattoo

In the comic books, Iron Man needed to place an electromagnet on his heart in order to keep shrapnel from damaging it even more than it already had. This cool chest tattoo lets you look just like the Tony Stark character, without the obvious medical impairment.

Iron Man Heart Tattoo
Iron Man Heart Tattoo

Spiderman Chest Tattoo

This is one of the coolest Spiderman chest tattoos around because it assumes that your skin is just a false layer, and that beneath you are actually a superhero. This concept is often incorporated into many tattoo designs, but the level of detail on this one is through the roof.

Spiderman Chest Tattoo

Batman Chest Tattoo

If you are looking to get a Batman chest tattoo you have several different options. The actual logo has gone through over 20 different changes throughout the years, but each one is relatively simple, so your tattoo artist should have no problem inking it onto you.

Venom Chest Tattoo

Venom has been an enemy to Spiderman and an ally to him throughout the years. While he did wear a logo on his spacesuit, this tattoo is much cooler because it appears that he is ripping through the chest. The level of detail in the face, teeth, tongue and saliva is unmatched by other tattoos on this list.

Venom Chest Tattoo
Venom Chest Tattoo

Superman Shredded Skin Chest Tattoo

Just like the Spiderman chest tattoo listed above, this Superman tattoo allows the person wearing it to live a double life: one as a normal human being and a second as the Man of Steel. Just don’t try to fly off a building if you get it.

Superman Shredded Skin Chest Tattoo
Superman Shredded Skin Chest Tattoo

DC Universe Chest Collage

Can’t decide on getting your favorite character or character logo tattooed on your chest? Go for a bunch of different ones. This is an old school homage collage to DC comics in their early years, but you can get one that features other groups like The Fantastic 4, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men or The Avengers.

DC Universe Chest Collage
DC Universe Chest Collage

Magneto Side Chest Tattoo

Here is an awesome chest and rib tattoo that features Magneto, the greatest rival of the X-Men, and a reflection of a city with Captain America, Wolverine and Iron Man in the helmet.

Magneto Side Chest Tattoo
Magneto Side Chest Tattoo

Batman Comic Panel Collage

If you are an avid collector of vintage comic books, you’re going to love this Batman tattoo. It features scenese from movies and the comics tattooed on the chest, shoulder and back of the wearer.

Batman Comic
Batman Comic Panel Collage

Captain America Chest Tattoo

While most of the tattoos on this list are full pieces, this Captain America one only takes up half of the chest and leaves ample room open on the other side for another superhero or even Captain America’s arch nemesis, Red Skull.

Captain America
Captain America Chest Tattoo

Abstract Batman Chest Tattoo and Half Arm Sleeve

Here is a really cool example of classic artwork meeting comic books. The half sleeve tattoo and chest piece features Batman depicted in Vincent van Gogh’s classic “Starry Night“ painting.

Abstract Batman Chest Tattoo and Half Arm Sleeve
Abstract Batman Chest Tattoo and Half Arm Sleeve

The Hulk Chest Tattoo

Here is another example of a classic comic book fan getting a tattoo of one of his favorite scenes tattooed on his chest, this time with The Hulk.

The Hulk Chest
The Hulk Chest Tattoo


While it is not technically a comic book, “Lord of the Rings“ definitely inspired some of the very first comic book artists to create fantastical worlds based on their deepest, and wildest fantasies. This full chest tattoo features Mordor, with Sauron’s eye directly in the middle of the breastbone.




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