11 Colorful Chris Pine Hairstyles


Chris Pine has starred in many movies, but one of his most memorable roles was filling the shoes of William Shatner as Captain James Tiberius Kirk in the remake of the hit television show, Star Trek. What many fans might not know is that Chris Pine is the son of Robert Pine, who played Sergeant Joseph Getraer on the hit television show CHIPS. Clearly, Chris Pine got his remarkable acting talent from his father!

We have searched everywhere and found 11 Colorful Chris Pine Hairstyles. Once you get done looking at this list, you’ll have a new appreciation for the cool roles Chris Pine has played, and will look forward to his next movies! Chris Pine is set to play Captain Kirk in the third Star Trek installment, and who knows who else this talented young man will play in the future. Are you ready to check out the list of Chris Pine hairstyles? If so, you can go ahead and scroll down now.

Chris Pine Short Blond Hair

For his role as Captain James Tiberius Kirk in Star Trek, Chris Pine had blond hair, much like how William Shatner’s hair had a little bit of blond to it when he played Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek series.

Chris Pine Short Blond HairChris Pine Short Blond Hair

Chris Pine Short Dark Hair

Captain James Kirk has to have a short military-style haircut, and in this picture, Chris Pine really wears it well along with his Star Trek uniform.

Chris Pine Short Dark HairChris Pine Short Dark Hair

Chris Pine Mega Short Hair

For some roles, actors have to have their hair cut super short, and in this picture, Chris Pine has to have really hairstyle.

Chris Pine Mega Short HairChris Pine Mega Short Hair

Chris Pine Blond Hair

With his hair colored blond, Chris Pine’s blue eyes can really be seen, and he looks great in the leather jacket too!

Chris Pine Blond HairChris Pine Blond Hair

Chris Pine Slicked Back Short Brown Hair

When not playing Captain Kirt, Chris Pine has brown hair, and in his picture, he has it slicked back.

Chris Pine Slicked Back Short Brown HairChris Pine Slicked Back Short Brown Hair

Chris Pine Dark Hair Side Parted

In this picture, Chris Pine has really dark hair that he parted to the side in a stylish way that really looks great!

Chris Pine Dark Hair Side PartedChris Pine Dark Hair Side Parted

Chris Pine Spiky Hair

Spiky hair can be a lot of fun, and in this picture, Chris Pine has his hair parted to the side, and he looks spiky too, which is a lot of fun!

Chris Pine Spiky HairChris Pine Spiky Hair

Chris Pine Slightly Longer Buzz Hairstyle

In this picture, Chris Pine looks really cool with his hair in a buzz cut, but slightly longer, and the color really makes his eyes stand out.

Chris Pine Slightly Longer Buzz HairstyleChris Pine Slightly Longer Buzz Hairstyle

Chris Pine Light Brown Spiky Hairstyle

When you buzz cut your hair, it will start to grow out and look spiky, which is exactly what is happening to Chris Pine in this picture.

countryside***IMAGE TITLE***

Chris Pine Short Sides with Tall Bangs

In this picture, Chris Pine has let his hair grow out, but has kept his sides short, which allowed for him to have really tall bangs!

Chris Pine Short Sides with Tall BangsChris Pine Short Sides with Tall Bangs

Chris Pine Grown Out Hair Combed Back

Chris Pine let his hair grow out in this picture, and he combed it back to look really stylish!

Chris Pine Grown Out Hair Combed Back***IMAGE TITLE***

So, what did you all think of Chris Pine and his hairstyles? Did these hairstyles surprise or impress you? If you have anything to say, be sure to leave us a comment below. However, if you didn’t like this list, we have links to even more lists below and a lot of other topics. All you have to do is click on a link and you’ll be on a new page, and exciting list, in no time. Now, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

If you liked this list of 11 Colorful Chris Pine Hairstyles, then check out 25 Splashy Birdman Tattoos, 30 Useful Movie Poster Font Collection, and 25 Exotic Halle Berry Pictures.



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