10 Compass Foot Tattoos So You’ll Never Lose Your Way


Compass tattoos are some of the most beautiful and meaningful tattoos out there. One of the more unique places to get compass tattoos is on the feet.

People may get compass foot tattoos for several reasons. First of all, they’re beautiful designs, even in their more simplistic form. Compass foot tattoos are also good choices for those who love to travel, since compasses are known worldwide for being the tool for finding the right direction. Finally, compass foot tattoos can be very symbolic as well. Some people might opt for compass tattoos as a reminder to never lose their way in life.

Need some ideas for compass foot tattoos? Here are some of the most beautiful and unique ideas for both men and women.

1. Simple Compass Heel Tattoo

This sweet and simple compass tattoo fits perfectly on the side of the heel.

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2. Compass With Matching Anchor and Rose

A compass tattoo can be pretty and feminine when paired with a rose covered anchor.

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3. Compass With Matching Anchor

Anchors ake great mates for compasses in general.

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4. Compass on a Chain

A gold compass is adorned with a petite chain.

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5. Compass With a Quote

“Not a who wander are lost” — a perfect quote to compliment compass foot tattoos.

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6. Matching Compass Foot Tattoos

Compss foot tattoos can start on one foot and finish on the other for a unique look.

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7. Helm and Compass Foot Tattoos

Compass foot tattoos also pair well with ship helms.

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8. Upside Down Compass Foot Tattoo

You can always be headed in the right direction with compass foot tattoos pointed north.

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9. Map and Compass Foot Tattoos

Matching map and compass foot tattoos are simple, yet elegant.

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10. White and Black Compass Foot Tattoo

The addition of white accents really adds visual interest to this compass foot tattoo.

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Hopefully we sent you in the right direction for ideas for compass foot tattoos. There are lots of great compass tattoo design ideas out there, so be sure to look around. A good tattoo artist can also help you create a custom compass tattoo design to fit your specific wants and needs.

Did you like these compass foot tattoos? Be sure to check out these 25 Majestic Tattoos On Feet, 35 Sexy Foot Tattoos For Girls, and 25 Cool Star Tattoos On Foot!


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