Home Hair 11 Bad Haircut Memes That You Won’t Believe…

11 Bad Haircut Memes That You Won’t Believe…


Though bad haircuts are something that nobody in the world wants to have to deal with, they tend to be pretty funny. Which is why there are so many bad haircut memes online! So, to showcase some of the best ones, we’ve created a pretty hilarious list, that is sure to have you laughing!

1. “Where’d You Get That Haircut? The Toilet Store?”

You know your haircut is pretty bad when Brick from Anchorman thinks you got it from the toilet store…

“Where’d You Get That Haircut? The Toilet Store?”

2. “You Think I Have A Bad Haircut? False. Mike Daas Has A Bad Haircut.”

Apparently Mike Daas has a pretty terrible haircut too…

“You Think I Have A Bad Haircut? False. Mike Daas Has A Bad Haircut.”

3. “The Only Thing Missing Is A Bad Haircut…Never Mind”

Well it is kind of hard to have a bad haircut when you have no hair at all…

“The Only Thing Missing Is A Bad Haircut…Never Mind”

4. “Has Bad Haircut – Too Funny To Tell Him”

Perhaps the best thing about bad haircuts is being able to amuse your friends with them!

“Has Bad Haircut – Too Funny To Tell Him”

5. “Got A Bad Haircut – No Time To Fix It Before People See.”

An unfortunate situation that I’m sure everyone has gone through at least once before…

“Got A Bad Haircut – No Time To See It Before People See.”

6. “Not Sure If Bad Haircut Or Funny Shaped Head”

Well, to be fair, some people do have pretty oddly shaped heads…

“Not Sure If Bad Haircut Or Funny Shaped Head”

7. “This Is The Haircut Moms Have When They Yell At The Coach For Their Son Not Being In The Game”

Even Justin Bieber has a bad haircut from time to time…

“This Is The Haircut Moms Have When They Yell At The Coach For Their Son Not Being In The Game”

8. “Clippers + Alcohol = Winning!”

All jokes aside, as you can see below, clippers and alcohol is a recipe for disaster!

“Clippers + Alcohol = Winning!”

9. “Stupid Haircuts For Stupid People”

Believe it or not, this is a real un-edited haircut that someone had to wear out in public…

“Stupid Haircuts For Stupid People”

10. “Platinum Blonde Haircut – Keeps Eyebrows Brown”

To be honest, I never noticed that her eyebrows were brown! This is a pretty bad haircut though…

“Platinum Blonde Haircut – Keeps Eyebrows Brown”

11. “Barber: What Do You Want? He: Gimme Something Fresh For The Summer Barber: Say No More”

This is (without a doubt) one of the most ridiculous haircuts I have ever seen! Wow!

“Barber: What Do You Want? He: Gimme Something Fresh For The Summer Barber: Say No More”




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