Adobe is widely used by designer and developer fraternity alike. You may be working on one or all of its products like Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere Pro etc. (all CS5 series products) Many a times you are done with your design work and want an honest criticism from other intellectuals matching your thought process before finally showing it to the end user. But you are afraid of wasting long time in the tedious process of sending mails to your friends and waiting for their revert for feedback, again making the desired changes, sending it again and so on. You really don‘t want to be moored in such a mess.
Well, guess what, I have actually found a great solution for it in form of new Adobe CS Review while surfing net few days back and immediately thought of sharing it with SloDive‘s community. CS Review is a wonderful application offered by Adobe itself where in you can pool in all our friends online for an honest review of your work. You just need to log into the account and invite all your friends. The upper hand of this application is that, while your friends can point out online the flaws they found in your work, you can also make the changes then and quickly. Yes, it‘s true. You and your friends don‘t have to play chain mail game for getting a simple thing done.
Please check the following picture to understand how CS Review is helpful:
You can also share the same procedure with clients if required. Although you won‘t need to do it again after getting an expert opinion from your fellow professionals. So try this application today and save your precious time and earn more money by attending and satisfying more clients with your perfect work in less time.
Giveaway of 5 Awesome Gift Bags By Adobe
Adobe is happy to giveaway 5 bags where each of them includes a $25 Best Buy gift card, laptop skin and a tumbler. Check below:
The winners not only get these awesome goodies but also a 2 months passes for detailed tutorials on Adobe products from
How To Enter?
– All you have to do is to Tweet this giveaway and leave a comment here telling why you want this.
– The contest will end on Sunday 24th 2010 and winners will be announced on Monday 25th 2010.
– On top of all these, they will handle the shipping even if it’s an international winner. (i.e. outside U.S.). Good Luck to everyone.
FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials by being truthful in your review and disclose in full that Adobe has provided prizing, but all thoughts and opinions are strictly your own.
I wanna win cuz I never won anything online……LOL
Really want to check how this application works.
I tweeted about this. My twitter handle is @uzair21.
I want a bag too :D
must have this one..must learn Adobe more!CS Review..i waitin 4 u :)
i tweet this giveaway, i follow this site via twitter.
Adobe is my dream place to work with. So I am bit crazy about Adobe.
I must have this becoz I don’t have such an awsome adobe cup, and I need to drink from something don’t I? Generaly I need to drink, so as You can see, my logic is flawless ;p
Tweet at @pawelcapaja
OMG! i want this badly, im a adobe fanboy :D
tweet @naeemnur
Wow 1st i wanna win cuz of that cool goodies you giving away and secondly I seriously always wanted to earn Adobe with its full potential, and what else other than lynda offers it. Btw nice application, kindda like it, will surely save much time while in btw a project. Thanks.
Twitter handle: @TutZone
I would love to have it, because I love Adobe products.
That adobe tumbler would go everywhere with me! and im a big fan of the tuts on
Why I want this? Because I’d use it! I RTed, as well.
Tweeted !
Nice giveaway ! Would love to get this and try Cs Review !
i need this because i like this
Adobe is fanastic, i wish for this
RT @aliqayum
Great giveaway!
I want that laptop skin!
I want that bag, damn I like it so much.
It would go perfect with my Alienware
As a designer I think this one will help me to present my designs to clients easily with it…
BTW am a Adobe fan boy too.. so I do deserve to win it xD
twitter: @smashingtips
Nice… :) I love Adobe.. I love this company.. Most of all, I like the bag :D
Wow! What an awesome prize. How amazing would it be to have an Adobe Tumbler?! No more spilling drinks on my desk. Love everything that Adobe produces and to get my hand on some tutorials from would be awesome! @webdesignmash
Cool! tweeted @kylescousin
I’m a design student, I use all of the Adobe programs and I want to represent them everywhere I go!
this is so nice as an addition to my Canon Lens coffee mug, i love to have ths
Nice giveaway!! :D I love Adobe products.
Tweet @wolfanima
Well done guys! Would love to have it =)
I hope you choose me as winner. Lol
Tweet @ shravanmishra04
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