180+ Free Deviantart Vintage Style Photoshop Brushes


The Deviantart community is not only one of the biggest on the web but has some extremely talented members that make a lot of great items and don’t mind sharing it with the rest of us. Below is a compilation of some of the best vintage Photoshop brushes on Deviantart and they are free for you to enjoy.

Vintage Vinyl

14 Old Covers Brush Set Download Link

Vintage ornaments

4 High Resolution Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Cycle PS Brushes

12 Vintage Cycle Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Handwriting Brushes

20 Hi Resolution Vintage Handwriting Brush Set Download Link

Steampunk PS Brushes

25 Steampunk Brush Set Download Link

AOKI’s Vintage Polaroids

AOKI’s Vintage Polaroids Brush Set Download Link

Vintage News Ad Brushes

20 Hi Resolution Vintage News Ad Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Script Brush Sampler

5 Vintage Script Brush Sampler Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Camera Brushes

Vintage Camera Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Postcards Set 1

Vintage Postcards Set 1 Brush Set Download Link

Vintage brushes

Vintage Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Images + Ephmera

Vintage Images + Ephmera Brush Set Download Link

Postage label brush set

Postage label Brush Set Download Link

The Vintage Effect-brushes

10 Vintage Effect Brush Set Download Link

Book Ornaments Brushes 3

8 Book Ornaments Brushes 3 Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Sillhouettes

Vintage Sillhouettes Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Hats

25 Vintage hats Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Toys Photoshop Brushes

Vintage Toys Photoshop Brush Set Download Link

Architectual Ornaments

17 Architectual Ornaments Brush Set Download Link

Vintage Paper Brushes

18 Vintage Paper Brushes Brush Set Download Link


  1. Greetings, I happened across this post by accident during a time that I was browsing on Google then I came up to this website. I surely must tell you that your blog is massively cool I absolutely heart your theme! Right now I have a great deal of spare time to browse your page in which case I added it to my bookmarks. I will be back very soon. Kudos for a great website.

  2. This is one of the coolest brush collections I’ve seen! I think I downloaded and will use about 50% of them. Awesome job dude :)

  3. Architectual Ornaments deviant art vintage style photoshop brush is the one which i liked the most it has an awesome design.

  4. Vintage Script Brush Sampler is a very cute looking vintage style photoshop brushe i want to use it.


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