14 Beautiful Lightning Strike Pictures


Mother Nature is a powerful thing, and once in a while, mankind gets reminded of just how powerful nature can be. The power of a storm is one example of the awesome force of nature especially when lightning is involved.

We have searched the Internet for 14 Beautiful Lightning Strikes, and we promise that once you get a look at this list, you’ll have a new appreciation for just how strong yet beautiful Mother Nature can be. So, you can go ahead and scroll down now and take a look at lightning captured on film!

Lightning Over Water

The ocean with storm clouds over it can cause some amazing pictures of lightning because of the water, and it is a rarity to capture lightning over water.

Lightning Over WaterLightning Over Water

Purple Lightning

Under the right circumstances, lightning can actually be a unique color like red, blue, yellow, and purple. What do you think about purple lightning?

Purple LightningPurple Lightning

Lightning in Arizona

The desert is a flat piece of land with cactus, bushes, and of course, plenty of sand. Lightning strikes in the desert happen quite often, and sometimes they are captured on film like this beautiful picture of lightning in Tucson, Arizona.

Lightning in ArizonaLightning in Arizona

Lighting at Sunset

Sometimes a storm can begin right as the sun is setting, and this amazing picture captures the sun going down just as a storm is brewing and lightning strikes.

Lighting at SunsetLighting at Sunset

Lightning Over Atlanta

Lightning does not just happen in the desert and woods, but it can happen within a city as well. A city like Atlanta, Georgia has perfect lightning rods called skyscrapers, and this picture shows it perfectly.

Lightning Over AtlantaLightning Over Atlanta

Volcanic Lightning

Another awesome power of Mother Nature is when a volcano erupts. The power of that event can make electricity, and this picture of lightning from a volcanic eruption shows just how powerful an erupting volcano can be.

Volcanic LightningVolcanic Lightning

Lightning and Liberty

Even the most famous landmarks in the world can be turned into a giant lightning rod for the power of Mother Nature. Lady Liberty meets Mother Nature, and a picture was taken at just the right moment to capture it.

Lightning and LibertyLightning and Liberty

Lightning in Florida

There is nothing more beautiful than lightning over water, and when you mix in some storm clouds with it, it almost looks like a fireworks display.

Lightning in FloridaLightning in Florida

Lightning in New Mexico

The perfect setting can make for an amazing lightning picture. This picture was taken in New Mexico, and you can really see the adobe houses all around it, which is typical in the Southwest.

Lightning in New MexicoLightning in New Mexico

Tree Lightning

Most people think that lightning goes down from the ground to the sky, but the reverse is also true as this picture shows. This lightning went from the ground up, and it looks just like a tree.

Tree LightningTree Lightning

Lightning and Cactus

For people who live in the desert, cactus are part of the desert landscaping. This amazing photo captured a moment when lightning struck near a cactus patch and the results are remarkable.

Lightning and CactusLightning and Cactus

Lightning in the City

Very tall buildings have lightning rods to protect them from being struck, and this photographer caught a moment in time right when lightning hit one of the rods atop a building.

LightningLightning in the City

Tornado and Lightning

Two powerful forces of Mother Nature are meeting up and the moment has been immortalized forever on film.

Tornado and LightningTornado and Lightning

Lightning Storm

Anyone looking out of their window and seeing this brilliant flash of lightning may go run and hide under their covers, and who can blame them?

Lightning StormLightning Storm

Isn’t Mother Nature amazing? Did you find these 14 Beautiful Lightning Strikes impressive? If you did like what you saw, be sure to leave us a comment below and tell us what you thought of these pictures. Here are some other interesting lists, and all you have to do is click one. So let’s get started!

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